Overall Balance

 Hello Dear Reader,

Today weather is great, the birds chirp merrily most of the chicks 

started come and visit the feeder, they can fly...

you can tell they are the chicks by looking at their size...

My feeder is mostly visited by the sparrows

occasionally other birds like cardinals, finch, jays and ravens...

robins, sterling, woodpeckers and many others you can see on the lawn hunting for worms

or you can see all the birds come and go to the fountain to take a bath or drink some water...

yesterday, I gave myself some break, 

I did not feel like writing, I might give a long break as well...

not sure yet....I need to give some decisions not only for writing and many other things with my life as well..

when I don't feel very well inside the things I write becomes sour

I don't like that...

that is why I am trying to avoid writing...

because mostly I want to spread positivity not negativity 

but keeping only on the positive side is impossible because you need to be on balance

we can't have positivity all the time


its mean would be lost

you need one another to have each other

what is important to see above these 

definitions of duality

these dual things like good/bad, positive/negative, rich/poor etc...

they are all representations of the same reality....

and they are always in relative to one another...

for instance you might live in Canada and consider yourself poor in your conditions but for a person living in a mud house in Somalia you are extremely rich...

I have not said this to be content with what you have

human always thrive for more 

and there is nothing wrong with it

but thriving in conscious manner is what you need to achieve

to see that richness and poorness are the different descriptions of the same concept

to see that good and bad are the different descriptions of the same concept

what you need to do is to internalize these concepts and transform

your situation by balancing these dualities closer to the side of the one you want to achieve

extreme imbalances always causes problems

so if yourself can fill your self with light and stay in the light

you need to be a light to others and use your light for the darkness of the others

this is not in a selfish way...

its not to keep your balances straight...its for you and for everyone 

overall balance...

if all is light 

light would be meaningless

or if all is dark

dark would be meaningless

dark and light need one another 

like within so without

like without so within

                    King H. Ironson

So for a now I have been writing negatively...

I guess now its time to keep the balance...

(Photograph: cottonbro studio)



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