Hello My Dearest Readers,

I am going to give you one poem,

maybe a little bit chit chat...

Did you know I have very strange feelings lately,

very very strange...

I feel very relieved but actually I should be very stressed,

because of the unemployment and all.

Because I feel so relieved and good,

something is poking me to feel uneasy

like I should feel bad and stressed out for feeling ok at this situation...

Don't get me wrong I am not a slacker,

I worked my fingers to  the bone in my the point of exhaustion

and for what?  

Guess last three years gave me the power

to give the Great Fuck Off to everything that sours me!

I feel like I died, carnations

on my corpse

No flower represent death as good as carnations

Like I rein carnations

reincarnations to be a cat

nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine lives.

I just want to be the cat 

every once in a while

if you deserve you get the claws 

if you deserve you get the purrs

want to purr all the time

my head between the boobs

get infinite belly rubs

break stuff no worries

you can fuck arounds 

whatever you do you are all good's

fluff balls great libertine if you keep your peanut balls

out of vets hands.

            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: _Tatius_)


Dear reader thank you for following my blog!

probably as you read these in your time 

its going to be the middle of the night

or maybe early morning, or day time

you will be maybe at work and read all my 

nonsense secretly at your job (Yes! Stick it to the Man! Haha)

I just want to tell you even though we don't interact with you...

your existence makes me less lonely

and this planet more beautiful place 

by being here reading these

you create hopes for future


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