My Dearest Reader,

Its been a chilly day not too cold not hot definitely not a day to wear any swimsuit,

though I am absolutely sure that you look hot in a swimsuit....🔥🔥🔥🚒🚒🚒

Tomorrow, I received an hour of dog walking job...Today I went to the park to meet with the owner and the dog..

Its a brown Labrador Retriever...He is not like the black balls

he is brown balls and as far as I know his balls are intact...

Today, I sent the post a little bit late...

I am not feeling good and its not getting any better...

Its good to know there are people under sunshine and smiling with friends.

 Just brings out hope..

I drained my sadness as a black blob

on a gloomy Friday

as I lay watching the sun melting behind the slab,

a slab of uncured pains hidden in your say

                                                King H. Ironson

it feels like I am like a setting pottery, not poetry

poetry burst out (that's how It happens for me at least!)

if I do things it will end up as imperfections

in my final form..

it looks like I am still curing.

that's ok 

I know that things that are meant for me 

will be...

I live the day and enjoy it...

(Photograph: Riteshphotography)

Where ever you are 
What ever you are doing
I hope you are content
to yourself and to the world.
Shine on!


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