Hello My Dearest Reader,

Today there is a lot of smog in the air, 

it smells like wood burning somewhere,

all the birds chirping so agitated

they didn't even come to visit the feeder

even though I placed some new seeds and corn

no visitors

instead they chirped all morning with anxiety

I can feel it from the agitation the way they chirp

they are afraid and they are on alert

the color of the sky orange grayish

I did my meditation but the air just was so irritating to breath

summer time and wild fires, I guess unfortunately this is the new norm every summer

let me give you a early morning Kraken poetry

Where hare crimes

My sight truths I sinister

She is same norm her tame tomb

Set hare raid for coherent faith

Put lone times

Rot flatten borough

She is in next rage to a book

Lands rare seduced daughter

Bear in mind gather snugs for clueless

We are on a gain!

                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Loisir - Pixabay)


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