weight of words


/My dearest readers...

/did you notice some weight on the words

/something is leaning on them....

/the words are more heavier than they used to be

/the weight is from the lean

/lean is from the self opinions of the readers

/so reader the weight of my words become heavier 

/as you load them with your own opinions..

/when you read them 

/you will place your opinions on what you read here

/you may have your opinions on what you read here 

/as long as you don't associate your opinions with my opinions as if they are mine...

/you can associate me as rightist, leftist, this, that....

/sorry I am neither....

/or you may think that I am from this religion or that religion or .....ist of some sort

/sorry I don't believe in religion, I believe in human potential

/I believe in god...not to religion or ....ism of some sort

/its ok if you think I am something

/though I warn you that if I do the opposite don't be dissapointed

/I am a human with all its potential and with all its flaws.

/Yes I say 'it' not "him" or "her" because I am referring to a human

/we can be "he" or "she" or "they" whatever...

/so you can replace "it" with "human" in all sorts

/dearest reader please know that what I share here with you is words.

/creativity and means to expand ourselves..

/I try to talk here on growth, expanding our minds and the means that we can understand one another better

/I opt. for complete empathy not within our species but also with other species we share our beautiful world.

/sorry I am not interested in the daily bickering of politicians 

/from this country or that country

/or silly conflicts between different religious beliefs!

/The things I care for are related to universal values...

/its been a long time I have taken out the personas, characters binding me to these limiting values

/you may think why I choose to mention this

/because I can see that there are a variety of different people started to follow my twitter account...

/I want to tell you that I am here for the sake of creativity and the  expansion of humans to human beings

/another thing...

weight of words

are heavier

without the prejudices

my words are rapier

only with their means

             King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Analogicus-Pixabay)

A Show of (Lack of)/Clothes and Attitudes
I am not quite sure if I am talking to myself or a Ghost of yesterday.
Is it a presentation of what I am missing?
Being a wild or rebel does not mean that you should lack accountability!
I am a street cat now..




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