you came a long way

 My Dearest Reader,

Today, I have mown the lawn front and back, also mended the backyard gate opening to the alley way behind the backyard...

My wild flowers are blooming one by one...

Several poppies bloomed some two different centaurea species with one pink and one blue blossom...

and one red blossomed flower which I think that is a species related to Silene

and another white blossom which I don't know what it is...

I will tell you what they are when I figured them out...

There was this small patch of empty area which last year I planted some cherry tomatoes and some daisies 

this year I have planted wild flower seed mixture there, I have been watering them since may daily 

two three times a day... 

Now they start to blossom...

Everyday I got to see new ones blossoming...its exciting

Here, I would like to tell you every human is like 

the seeds in that wild flower seed mixture...

each of them blossom on their own time

and in their own majestic way...

some seeds sprout...

some seeds don't sprout...

some sprouts grow

some sprouts die

some sprouts are eaten by insects

some sprouts left under the shade of others

if a seed comes to a full blown plant and blossoms...

it means its a survivor...

it means its one of the lucky ones

it means its challenged by many pitfalls and overcome great deeds

now that blossom 

is capable of giving its many seeds

its fertile

not only for its own species

but it becomes invaluable for many other species as well 

like pollinators, fungi, other "higher animals"....

see reader....

if you get the chance to become enlightened

and you are on your way to awakening

or awakened

you came a long way...

I cherish these wild flowers as the awakened seeds of their own species

those that blossomed are going to give hand for the new blossoms

they will all make their own seeds..

my dearest reader...

I can only offer my help in form of  wisdom

and knowledge....

"lips of the wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding" (The Kybalion)

its your decision to keep an open heart and mind

for your own growth

it has to be your own decision to take the path

your commitment and your intent

no one can awaken any other 

everyone has to experience this

on their own... 

other people can only guide you

and invite you

to find your own awakening

just like a blossom

which call all the other sleeping seeds and creatures

with its bright colors, beauty and fragrance

to awakening.

(Photograph: Rido Alwarno - Pexels)

Sometimes it gets so dark
focus your inner light
its going to get better
don't give up..
climb back to life
step by step
you will
it will


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