go to get your payout


 Hello Reader,


This is a poem briefly licking the boots of Minerva..




Daughter of ægis-bearing Jove, divine,

Propitious to thy votaries’ prayer incline;

From thy great father’s fount supremely bright,

Like fire resounding, leaping into light.

Shield-bearing goddess, hear, to whom belong

A manly mind, and power to tame the strong!

Oh, sprung from matchless might, with joyful mind

Accept this hymn; benevolent and kind!

The holy gates of wisdom, by thy hand

Are wide unfolded; and the daring band

Of earth-born giants, that in impious fight

Strove with thy fire, were vanquished by thy might.

Once by thy care, as sacred poets sing,

The heart of Bacchus, swiftly-slaughtered king,

Was sav’d in Æther, when, with fury fired,

The Titans fell against his life conspired;

And with relentless rage and thirst for gore,

Their hands his members into fragments tore:

But ever watchful of thy father’s will,

Thy power preserv’d him from succeeding ill,

Till from the secret counsels of his fire,

And born from Semelé through heavenly sire,

Great Dionysus to the world at length

Again appeared with renovated strength.

Once, too, thy warlike ax, with matchless sway,

Lopped from their savage necks the heads away

Of furious beasts, and thus the pests destroyed

Which long all-seeing Hecaté annoyed.

By thee benevolent great Juno’s might

Was roused, to furnish mortals with delight.

And thro’ life’s wide and various range, ’t is thine

Each part to beautify with art divine:

Invigorated hence by thee, we find

A demiurgic impulse in the mind.

Towers proudly raised, and for protection strong,

To thee, dread guardian deity, belong,

As proper symbols of th’ exalted height

Thy series claims amidst the courts of light.

Lands are beloved by thee, to learning prone,

And Athens, Oh Athena, is thy own!

Great goddess, hear! and on my dark’ned mind

Pour thy pure light in measure unconfined;—

That sacred light, Oh all-protecting queen,

Which beams eternal from thy face serene.

My soul, while wand’ring on the earth, inspire

With thy own blessed and impulsive fire:

And from thy fables, mystic and divine,

Give all her powers with holy light to shine.

Give love, give wisdom, and a power to love,

Incessant tending to the realms above;

Such as unconscious of base earth’s control

Gently attracts the vice-subduing soul:

From night’s dark region aids her to retire,

And once more gain the palace of her sire.

O all-propitious to my prayer incline!

Nor let those horrid punishments be mine

Which guilty souls in Tartarus confine,

With fetters fast’ned to its brazen floors,

And lock’d by hell’s tremendous iron doors.

Hear me, and save (for power is all thine own)

A soul desirous to be thine alone. " 

(from The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries by Thomas Taylor)


constipation is a terrible problem

but there is a way to resolve it 


Meanwhile Hermes is somewhere


doing something 


A Love To Run Out

the evil scout

even hid in the grout

saw the opportunity and shout

don't runout

go to get your payout

leave the love to fadeout

here there is a great layout

all the riches and senses I will give you to hangout

love you only have to walkout 

go lie and sellout

and taste some good old runout

out out out

its a lie that all its about

                    King H. Ironson

(Mosaic Art Work: Minerva of Peace (1896), in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., Artist is Elihu Vedder (1836–1923). Photographed in 2007 by Carol Highsmith (1946–), who explicitly placed the photograph in the public domain. Link of source of the work is on the image)



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