A drop of ocean is ocean itself!

 Hello Reader,

I have just remembered a moment

and I wanted to share it with you....

Once I had a love

a girl with black hair and brown eyes...

daughter of rebel and freedom...

she was a drop of water...


and feminine 

and yet funny, friendly, full of life as that...

I feel to be very lucky to live with that woman for a couple of years

we were very poor....

I remember, that I was walking all 30 km a day to get to my university (was a student in masters degree back than, distance is approximation...it was a long walk....took me around 2 and half hours each direction)

to be able to get to the lessons...

because I was not able to afford a bus ticket

after my lessons I used to walk to the place I used to work

where I used to instruct climbing and tend a climbing shop...

it was just enough to get by....

thanks to the house we used to live in

which was inherited to my girlfriend from her parents

we didn't need to pay for rent

my girlfriend,

she was a photographer

and a dang good one as well

not like the tripod with one slacking leg

ha ha ha....

"remember the dog, make the stick ready" (a rough translation of a saying in my native language)

it means "when you talk of something get ready to meet that thing in some form!"

(as I write spotify was playing randomly!)

oh...here comes Nirvana..."heart shaped box"

since I stopped my premium in spotify; all the music I can listen is reduced to the will of the application...

so probably you get the songs with lower royalty....

 don't get me wrong I like Nirvana


let me come back to that moment

that pure drop of water who was the funniest and smartest woman 

only had her dad...

her mama has passed to the other side...

when she was a small baby....

she only had couple of reminders left from her beloved mother...

when you lack something in life

you give great value to that thing you are missing...

in this case 

it was a love for her mother....

and whatever that was left from her

couple of black and white photographs

and couple of things 

that her mom did for her..

my beautiful water drop lost her mama to the "white trash"


because of that ugly substance 

one of her eye was not in alignment with the other (when her mom was pregnant to her she was still using that substance,,,)

yet she was still capable to make great funny faces and take great photograph's

she is the only person that have my nude photograph (black and white)

taken after we had a hot love making

in a bath tub

it was one of the times I cummed inside of her...

like all the time we 

made love with her

it was real love making

soul to soul

it was a photo where I was in sitting on the towel 

on our single bed...

trying to dry my hair....

it was very long hair I had back than (long up to my arse!)

(we didn't have the money to buy a large bed like a queen bed, so we were sleeping on that bed together..it felt like a really large bed for us though..)

back than my container

was more like a greek statue

never got the chance to see that picture developed :)

the house we live was a old flat in a rich part of the city...

but we were not rich at all...

her parents both were from good families with considerable wealth

but they lost their way and 

their kids were left living on what's left of that wealth

a tragic story

but only the story was tragic

my pure water drop was not tragic at all 

instead she was bursting with life

the last time I saw her 

she bought a sail boat and trying to learn how to sail...

daughter of freedom and rebel...

she is a pure soul

not fake at all...

she used to grow weed in her balcony which she get the seeds from her junkie dad

that plant always made me anxious

because there were always police cars passing from the street we live on

and it was all exposed to the world

hey...hello world! "we grow stuff here!"

don't get me wrong

it was a weak single plant in a pot

on a balcony

it was not like the "marry ann" tree in her dad's house...

anyways I could never get joy from the harvest we made from that poor

weak plant!

its all because of the anxiety...

I met this drop of water in a place called "Olympus"

an ancient city by the Mediterranean

where there is great rock climbing

available as well as 

turquoise colored sea and a beach

and don't forget the ancient ruins "Greek"

and a mountain with flaming wholes....


its a natural wonder...

natural gas is leaking from the wholes in the rock and they constantly burn...

people go climb there at night time 

to make love

If my memory is right I believe we went there

after we climbed our first rock wall with my climbing buddies...

there at the place we were staying (tree house type accommodation! Literally, since there were ancient ruins there was no possibility to make buildings, therefore, all the touristic accommodation are either small sheds or tree houses)

there at the place we were staying 

we were drinking beers and met with these people

from another climbing club that we know

she was among them...

we talked drinked

and than 

I found my self in her bed...

where 5 more people were sleeping around in bunk beds...

both of us drunk

we made passionate love...

in her bunk bed...

trying to make it with the lowest sound we can make

she whispered to my ear

"please cum inside of me!"

 and I did....

I was really not concerned...

on the outcomes...

because I know

she was the real


the day I broke her heart and left her

felt like a "blonde redhead" song...

if you were wondering that if we

ever had kid

no we didn't

because she was on birth control

although I did not know when she said that and what we did at the time...

ha ha ha

we were getting along really well

even though we had nothing

and we did not had any plans

she was "standing next to me"

whatever it was we faced...

she had a smaller sister who has more birth defects because of her mom's condition

when I met her

she was living with her and her sister's boyfriend...

when I move in as well

the sister and boyfriend moved to a different house

rented on the other side of the bosphorus

we painted the interior of the rented house altogether to the blue color

which was the cheapest paint color 

that was available....

they started to live there 

and we were 

living together

with the "drop"

she was my "heroine"

who was killing my freedom

even though she was the daughter of freedom and rebellion....

and even though 

I loved her....

with time I grew cold to her...

for no reason at all...

she also felt it 

but she never forced me....

even though I know that inside I was shattering to her pieces

I was drinking a lot back than

but she was my companion as well in drinking....

from my perspective back 

than I felt like a fish

that was living in a

drop of water....

how naive was I!

its life isn't it

you ride 

and ride

make lots of mistakes

and regrets...

if you are stupid 

or uncreative

you make them over and over again...

I was very lucky, not stupid but very creative!!!

Creative on the stupidity of my mistakes!

I never stopped following the things that cut me, 

bleed me

and teach me lessons

except for

couple of the things I lived

I have no regrets...

Even the regrets I had,

I learned to forgive myself 

for doing them...

I grew 

with all of them...

I am grateful for all that experience.


my pure water "drop"

as we were so gray with one another

and I was writing e mails back and forth with my former girlfriend from America

she walked in to the room....

I closed the screen just on time...

she had a blue knitted very small cardigan on her chest

hardly closing her D cup majestic breast

with hard and inviting tits...

one of her tits was peeking through the cardigan

and below her chest was completely nude

she came 

and sit on my lap

in the study room....

its been a while we had sex with her

because of my stupidity...

felt like 

I was trading my freedom away....

Even though  she was my freedom herself...

I was so stupid to comprehend, 

that is why I was digging up the old stuff

to find an exit...

that was why I was distant to her...

she made me hard as she started to kiss me passionately,

the study room had 

transparent window covers

which were exposed to the street and to the watchers in the other buildings

she took my shorts off

it was a hot summer in Constantinople

she leaned on to the desk

and guide me the way in

we made a very passionate love...

the best sex I ever had...

that night

I hit outside to the bars to get wasted

next day,

I broke with her....

at that point

for me

she was the last piece of greenery

a piece of life itself

in an endless desert I will have to face...

she was my last oasis....


went spiraling


for me after her...

its been more than 20 years!

through time 

and after many more

creative stupidities

I learned to forgive my self

you will never know

the depth 

of an ocean

from a single drop

introduced to you...

                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Kanenori -  Pixabay)

6+1=7 (no of beers exceeding my unemployed budget)
Now I know why "frites" is known as "french fries" in the world!



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