become nothing

 Hello Reader,

I felt that you have a cold feet for me....

its ok with me... :)

As you know we can only continue to this relationship of reader and writer from a distance

also we don't need to agree on everything...

that is ok too...

you cannot expect me to write daily 

its up to me to write daily, hourly, weekly, monthly....

after all you are not paying anything to read these....

they are free....

if you ever bought my books I appreciate your contribution.

Today, I did several duties I have been slacking for a long time...

for instance I cleaned up the gutters from the leaves which requires climbing to the roof....

also cleaned up the closet in my carport where I keep the winter/summer tires...

this summer was mostly rainy.....

it rained everywhere a lot....

recently it even flood the capital...."Ottawa"

that day I was there....

then returning from the camping trip 

I also stopped by Ottawa to see around

it was going to be my first time there...

just parked my car in multilevel parking place in the center of the sight seeing area,

which is close to parliament building and other highlights...

than I get down to the street...

when the black clouds fastly closed the sky

in couple of seconds it turned as dark as evening...

followed by wind and a rapid shower...

I just took my first couple of steps on Ottawa streets leaving the multilevel parking building

and I just ran back in the building....

because the rapid shower was followed by sky throwing buckets of water to the earth

it was violent....

I went directly back in the car and decided to go back home

and said goodbye to Ottawa before I walk on top of her...

it was sad...

but the weather simply not allowed my small Ottawa excursion

I accept all the spontaneity of life

moment is all I have

and all I got to do is to enjoy it....

There is no room for mingling in the past

nor a room for waiting for the future...

you need to find a way to implement your hope's realized into the now!

that is the way...

There has  been an anxiety in my meditation today....

that is why it took 3 hours...

my legs were cramped


It just occurred to me that

I need to go back to that dark 

spot "the endless pit" which I mentioned to you earlier...

its the place where I need to visit back to hard reset my life

and start a new program....

everything is falling into its place better now...

subconscious is the only part of you that 

you cannot alter with your will

if you can alter it than it would be your conscious 

the only way to implement changes on there 

requires a hard reset....

and loading of a new operating system...


that place looked scary....

I need to jump there

in my meditation

and make sure 

that I won't loose the light in sight

have to open my eyes in the darkness

and accept all in as if it was after my 

life ended in my body

than I have to implement what I want 

to do with my life and return to the light

as if it was my soul entering to a new life in my body...

I cannot hang on there more than I should

or I cannot loose the sight of my light....

its scary and brings me anxiety to do this

I am not sure if I am ready to do this yet 

even though it feels like something that I experienced before

So far all the times I have been meditating 

I was able to observe my self and my life

and pinpoint many things that require a change

although the subconscious is the only place

resisting these changes that I need to do with my self...

it prevents you to make these changes via unfounded fears, biases and loaded misconceptions...

your subconscious really rules the stage from the primitive or a primal way

with the leading of your reptilian brain 

it wants to protect you from taking unnecessary risks..

the pitch dark


when I was a kid

I was extremely afraid of the shadows...

it was nearly in the brink of a phobia

when we were out walking during the night

I was so scared of my shadow following me from behind...

my parents were trying their best to explain me that they are not

living entities instead

they are occurring because of the physics 

yet my child brain insist that it is the reflection of my dark self on the ground

and I always wanted to run away from it

all these years I ran away from my dark self

but last two years I made peace with it

embrace it.

recognize it and accept it

and forgive it 

for the regrets

it caused in my life

this was such a relieving experience for me


these things beliefs you were binded with

roots down to your subconsciousness

which you cannot 

clear up easily...

these ideas, thoughts with shortcomings and which are creating pain

in your life 

holding up to their roots in the dark corners of your mind..

so reader

this step I need to take

requires a lot of bravery 

for me

this morning 

I chickened out

that is why it took so long (my meditation)

I thought to myself that

maybe I should do this before I sleep

at night...

So here I am trying to relieve my anxiety...

after I post this maybe 

I'll do another attempt

or maybe I leave it for tomorrow...

I dunno..need to gather courage


its a 




once you grasp the light

it is hard to let go of it and come back to the dark

even though your shadows became smaller

as you had grew your inner light stronger

don't be afraid take the journey....

after all light and dark is from the same fabric

and you are now a master who can craft light from nothing

become nothing once again

just to create the miracle of transformation 

a life in will's formation                                    

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Grzegorz W - Pexels)



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