
 Dear Reader,

As we all are getting close to our demise of our own making little by little,

sometimes it is hard to get your smile on and pretend that everything is fine...

the thing is that...

even if you find your own salvation, now it is clear to you that

there is no sweet salvation if suffering became a widespread disease among many... 

fueled mostly by the ignorance of our ways...

the way we accept our own slavery by placing invisible shackles on our wrist with multiple levels

it is already difficult to access to our own liberation because of the way we are built....

and because of our limited perception......


freedom becomes a fairy tale for many of us

as we all are willing to add more shackles to bind

our ways into slavery....

the poems that you will hear in your 

musty cells that were built by your own hands brick by brick

will invite you to


will invite you to blossom 

the flower of the freedom

on each and every crack 

you can alter against all odds.

if your will is subject to an alteration

of external control

with the shiny looking technologies;

pushed in front of you like if they were the free freedom of expression,

you will take the bait of slavery and complete obedience.

There is no free freedom

unless you have the freedom of choice

without being altered or

without being monitored.

Can we say, that we are so free,

when we are all immersed to the crap of new social norm of social monitoring and social crafting?

Authenticity is being sold to you as a proposition not to make you free 

instead to make you bind and to make you a customer....

now we have fancy names of many psychological disorders

and some of them are on the rise

adhd, narcissistic behaviour disorder, bipolar or multipolar behaviour disorders....

I have to tell you the treatment is not on the chemicals which big pharma is pushing towards you...

treatment is to return to your natural way of being!

the humanity needs a big slap on the face to wake up from this delusion!

Your likes, follows, posts and social media,

is our new addiction 

rotting us to

our core....

 an artificial facade

that hide

broken and sick


the idea of freedom

pushed in these mediums

clearly states

that these are indeed 

mediums designed to make you a 

caged commodity...

a social experiment with 

huge economical outcomes

cracks and crevasses

where you will take root

you will grow and crush

the captivity to dust

from deep inside

you will shine 

and blind the ignorance

which became your prison

the moment you step in the light

and light your inner flame so bright

you will take up the snake

in your hand to curve it

as you will 

if you will

that is the moment when

your future and past

became your now.

that is the moment

when you see love

with your eyes

that is the moment

when you see the world

with your heart

            King H. Ironson  

(Photograph: King H. Ironson - "Cage")

Reader don't make your prison
instead break the walls

"Malo, libertatem perfundet omnia luce quam quietam servitutem"





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