Love is a dream

 Hello Dearest Reader,

Love is a dream

of perceiving reality

so pure yet raw.

Love is a step 

into an unknown

like waiting a reply

from a message in a bottle

thrown into a vast ocean...

A drop of freedom

knows its place

a vast rebel blue sea...

That is why I 

know that 

endless blue seas

always crowned with

the red hues,

with Light of Sun 

every new morning and 

every new evening...

Like shadows craves for light

bind of love

rinds your heart

every second you 

choose to die and reborn

just to live density of your destiny!

Lighter things are not dense

and will's pill's don't kill

the kisses under the sill's

or the bill's of karma

what will till,

Love will fill

                King H. Ironson

(Image: Costume Design for Liturgie: The Annunciation (The Virgin and Gabriel)

(Att.) Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova - 1915)

Tired tired tired
 not hired 
not hired
yet fired
and tired
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