Could mourn seal love?

 Dear Reader, 

We are so attached with the dog...

Monday, the owner will come pick him up

we both will have a heart break

Regardless, I am happy to meet with this wonderful dog..

the relationship you have with your animal is on pure love

they love you unconditionally, you love them unconditionally...

this morning I woke up late...because of the writings and all....

tonight you will only have a lousy kraken....

hey I just read something "your stripper name is the color of your t-shirt and the last thing you ate"

than my stripper name is "Blue Cucumber"

maybe I should consider stripping as an occupation


Could mourn seal love?

Mourn mantle sight

That tints liars

Tint right my soul 

Fake mourn logic

Rom lie byes

Band sings believe my lure

Theft of words 

Fond of  dearest lays

That's theft of lame

Creams of altar

Phone banger here

Shy heart could

Severe beer fate

And who know

Fate I never known

                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Efren Ftz -Pexels)

note to self...
follow the rabbit
bit by bit


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