daughter of sky and moon

 Dear Reader,

Today is the day of our beloved Inanna...

we give our tribute to her majesty...

we are humbled by her gift..

like every Friday we gift her a recycled nude and a lousy poem...

My queen, who's the daughter of sky and moon 

I bled my heart over and over for your way

At day I look to endless blue skies and I see your great dad watching over me

At night I look to endless skies and on the corner I see your pale white serene mom glimpsing smile to me

At horizons I look to my heart and I see your beautiful reflection in my soul giving wings to me

Inanna that is where you live that is where your domain is, in the flesh and blood made heart of mortal man

                            King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Erotische Fotographie 1845-1890 file-89, unknown model and photographer) 

what a day it was today
still shaking!

be good
be loving
and help a stranger today
people are people
regardless what they look like
regardless what they believe
they are you 
they are me
we all carry life and we will all die
one day.
not this one nor that one
is any different than one
we are all humble
under the great skies
and on this great earth
we are all one kind
regardless how different we talk
regardless how different we look


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