Hour rents saga

Hello Dear Reader,

I hope you had a good day,

lately I have been challenged with trials and tribulations in my days...

its been a constant battle for staying positive and on the light and love

this is especially because of the fact that I cannot take no more bullshit

from the people around me, unfortunately the interactions I have with them are transformed

I can see all these small ugly humanely egoistic attitudes, arrogances and selfishness 

which bugs me a lot...and when that happens I became a mirror to that person showing 

all this ugly side of them directly....when that happens they hate what they see...

and because of that they hate you...

they get angry with you...

what I see in them are the things that I find in my self and the things that I try to correct...

as long as we all say "I" we will have some form of "ego"

and this is completely normal..

this is required for self preservation of the life we carry in our body...

ego is caused by our conception of being alive in a body 

a body which enables us to perceive the world 

in a partial way...

we cannot conceive the whole reality with our body

we perceive reality via mediators 

each mediator presents a very small portion of the reality 

all the information we acquire with the mediators are than transcribed by our brain....

however as the generated world we perceive appears in our experience

"I" is required to place boundaries for our own experience of being in this created unreal life experience...

"I" = "Ego" is required to mark your boundaries in this created experience

it is our Avatar in our "mind" made reality....

although as you became aware of the existence of your "real being" shadowed with this concept of ego and false perception of the reality... 

you understand how you are an only a vibration that is connected and part of the fabric of everything that exist...

everything is in you 

and you are the everything...

when the recognition on your real being take over...

you cannot simply get along with the fake real

and associations of it 

like "I" like the "Ego"

you start to look ways in order to reduce it in your life...


this way the means to access the real vibrational being of yourself 

becomes easier...

because you are starting to tear down the fake wall papers of the "ego"

covering up your real nature...

when people live unaware perceiving the world in their cell

covered with the glossy wall papers of ego...

tearing their precious wallpaper in front of their very eyes makes them angry...

because the thing they found underneath is simplicity and the way they covered it up with their made up complexities of ego is ugly...

they cannot admit how ugly it is to themselves because its their own creation...

ego holds over and self defense mechanisms make you

the one who points this fakeness

wrong and terrible person

a self preservation method...

so as a being who is being transformed it is very difficult maybe unnecessary 

to do this or to delve showing people the fakeness of their ways.

because unless they don't come to a realization of their real self 

you cannot explain this to them...

you will be always a terrible person...

you won't believe me but you will be an arrogant to them for showing these shortcomings in themselves..

its for sure that you can not light their soul up and awaken them to find their self this way....

so I don't recommend you this...

you do it anyways...because you want the people to become aware of all this as well...

currently I started to see impossibility of this...

they need to see the clues to their scam and be aware of it little by little

i don't think anyone could handle all of this process all at once...

although I can clearly see that it became harder to be in the scam world of EGO

feeling like there is a great need to take refugee in solitude

it is hard to keep balance of the modern life imposed on you while you were trying to find peace in your being 

in solitude...

Billed with death

Chanting to be freed

Hour rents saga far done

Be are brewing ego far torn

Tempting a fewer all alone

All tango together, torn solitude

                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Fidan Nazim Qizi - Pexels)

lost sleep
lost appetite
old ghosts


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