Silent gazer's

 Dear Reader,

This blog it has started on March 

and here I am posting many writings and offering this blog for free

September marks the 7th month of this blog...

so far this blog published 235 posts in 6 months time which actually 

accounts for more than 1 post per day average..

I would like to take this occasion to thank you reader 

and especially the readers who supported this journey

with the book and merchandise purchases..

I am hoping to continue this blog as much as I can...

Looking forward for your continued support.

Bell's yelled like an ogre's yell

it was an audible hell..

Ear's implode, 

even the pupil's of the Eye's stressed

expanded to their limit

they wanted to shout but they don't have the words

and a mouth...

Silent gazer's

Taught to hear not to speak

and to learn not to comprehend.

Slaves will raven's plea's

Free in the soul not in the mind

Secret's of the master's

are not hidden in the sleeves

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Kolkator Chobiwala - Pexels)


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