Story of Calypso

 Dear Loyal Reader,

First of all thanks for waiting for me to spit out my story

if you were next to me believe me 

we could drink beer together and maybe smoke a joint

as I tell this weird story to you...

you might think whether this is true or a made up story

with fictional characters...

I give the decision to you...

the story I give you is the story of "Calypso"

there is only name similarity to the Homer's "Calypso" the Nymph that was the daughter of a Titan 

and who held Odyssey captive with her magic for Seven years....



seven, seven, seven 

the born son

whom shine the light to dark!

yes the Calypso I am talking about is not that Calypso

but my Calypso might be also similar to that one

in several aspects...

no this is not a similar shot like James Joyce

and this is not a take of Odyssey that passes in modern life...

I met with Calypso in a part of my life

I am not sure whether this was real or unreal

as far as I know I was either very drunk, high or mad...

and as we talked earlier reader 

what is real anyway?

could it be you and me making out ? (only if you are a beautiful women!)

for simplification

the real is what you experience or thought that experienced...


this was a decade ago maybe more

the time and things got so mingled up

when you lived through lot's of shit....

its not that because you don't remember

its just like when you left lots of paper on top of one another in damp place

and after while the words on the papers incorporates with one 

another....its just like that

now reader before we start the story to set the mood

close your eyes and think that you are in a art deco building

and you are climbing down the stairs and sliding your hand through a beautiful curvy railing 

that smoothly makes it way and downs constantly sliding down

just like a life sliding down from its prime to nothingness...

such a sexy experience 

wasn't it

we call this life

ha ha ha

as you get older you get wiser but you also get more dirtier...


this calypso...I also call her green fairy....

she gave me seven years of captivity....

reader I am writing with one hand because my left hand has to pet the "french bulldog"

he is poking his head towards me to pet him as I write...

so things can take really long

before I met with this Nymph 

I met with her words...and her friends words...

in a long forgotten platform...

she wrote poem's like 

Boris Vian writing poems on acid

so I remember her words

like "melting radiator"

from her poems on that stupid platform...

than one day I got the chance to meet the owner of those words in person

in a Julies hot ....

Seventh month

when the textiles on the people were short and bodies were more close to nude

in a place that is by the sea which is occupied by crazies, druggies, hippies, outcasts, black sheeps, rebels

you got my point....

I was alone it was around 3 pm and I was sitting on the makeshift bar by the beach under the shade of grape wines..

it was not crowded that day on the meeting area, most people were on the beach...

by that time I already had 4-5 steins of beer ....and probably one package of cigarettes Marlboro or Lucky Strike...

I used to smoke these two...Sometimes Camel, Gitanes and Gauloises

later two was hard to be found back than especially I remember enjoying Gauloises Red

during my times in Paris and Cote d'azur

I used to smoke that

my daily routine when I was there a block of Camembert (President), some grapes and the cheapest red wine...

a feast on the beach or park

all alone watching people writing or sketching nasty shit

smoking and listening to awesome shit

it was life full of shit

not like nowadays

healthy amount of shit is good for your health...

Oh all of a sudden I remembered how we made love with that Spanish gal...

whom broke my heart

that's a story for another day...

where was I

yes I was boozed up to the rim...

and I was on the bar stool listening to two kids talking to one another 

how they want to get into tattooing business...

one was saying to the other that "I got the machine"

"all I need to do is some practice" 

the other one responded

"if you let me tattoo you, you can tattoo me;

we can learn together and start the business together"

after I heard these two idiots;

"beavis and butthead"

I changed my mind on having a tattoo...

as I was listening to this bullshit I was writing lousy poetry 

on my small notepad...smoking watching the endless blues

and observing around silently...

around the corner came 4-5 gals giggling and laughing

one of them was like a green fairy, 

not because she had green eyes or such

she had tan skin, bronze color....hazel colored eyes

and blonded hair by the sun...

large eyes, ruby plump lips 

average sized boobs with sharp domy tips...

like all the girls she had a bikini on...

and she had a beautiful green beach cover tied to her belly

covering underneath her belly in a very sexy way...

as I was enjoying the view I write "Green Fairy"

in my notepad...

at the time I was collecting "Absinthe" in my travel's and 

enjoying it from time to time....

soo my mind just saw the green fairy blinking back at me when I saw her...

She must have realised how I was looking to her

she just changed her direction and separated from the other girls

walked directly next to me and stand next to me as her arm touching my arm 

she asked for a beer from the bartender than she turned to me and say


I nodded back with gentle head gesture

felt a little bit ashamed,

She took a cigarette and put it on her lips,

I took my lighter out and lighted her cigarette

than turned to the bartender and ask for a refreshment

her beer was already on the bar,

quickly bartender gave me my beer

she raised a toast to me smiling, I responded shyly

she asked me 

"what is it that you do with the notepad"

"all the time you are doing something with it, I saw you yesterday as well writing or drawing something"

"Oh" I responded

"I am writing stuff, sometimes I sketch"

she responded back "oh are you writing?"

continued "what do you write?"

I said "poems mostly, some words that gave me influence at that moment I live in also sometimes I sketch lousy shit"

she was excited "do you know I used to write too, I have lots of poems, I still do write time to time...."

I asked "where do you write, do you have a book? or are you published in somewhere?"

she said " writings are too amateur for that stuff...I wrote on personal blog and I wrote in abcdef platform"

when I hear where she wrote I responded "oh I know that place, because I was reading some people over there for instance there is someone called Bloody Marry and Calypso, I love their poetry..."

She shouted with disbelief and excitement "I don't believe you!!!!"

I thought she was going to say to me, ohh I know those guys I like them too...

than she called her friend another girl walked next to us

she said "hey do you know this guy knows your poetry"

the girl said "really, with disbelief"

She continued "he also knows my poems as well from abcdef"

the girl responded "do you like my poems"

I said "yes" (how could I say no at that moment if it was the case, although that Bloody Mary girl was very good, better than the Calypso...Although Calypso was more of my taste not in terms of poetry!)

I was looking both of them in surprise

She explained "Bloody Marry was her and Calypso is me! We used to write poems and publish there when we were at the high school, although we don't write as much..", she smiled

I said " oh I am honored to meet with you... I really liked your poetry and I try to tell which ones I liked as much as I can remember from my head..."

girls "completed their own poetries" and we all laughed

all of a sudden I found my lonely sorry ass covered with attractive girls, what more can you ask?

the conversations followed one another....

after a while

bloody marry told us that she needed to go somewhere and she went on with other gals...

she was happy to meet me and told me that she will see me around

we were left with calypso.

she asked me what was I writing on the notepad when I saw her

I opened the notepad and showed her what I was writing

last entry was (in my native language..)

"She walked like

stepping on the leaves of water lilies

gentle like a Green fairy

a kind of creature that can intoxicate 

you to your own demise.."

she smiled to me after she read that and asked me "who is she"

I responded "it was you"

she laughed and told me "come on, what do I have to be a Green Fairy?"

I showed her beach cover...she laughed and smiled back

we both feel there was something going on between us without our control...

ohh reader, I have forget to tell you for a while I have been writing with both hands

the dog went back to lie on his bed after I pet him for a while...

She hold my hand and took me to a corner...

pick up your beer, cigarettes and stuff she said to me....

she pulled me to a silent corner....under the shade...

it was a sneaky place where you can see other people but it was not possible for others to see you

this was a raised platform behind the bar where there are pillows on the ground and small ground tables where you can put your was nice part of the common area which I have not recognized can sit there or lie there ...very comfy....

she laid to the corner and pulled my hand to lay next to her...

our arms and legs were touching to one another and we were burning...

she smiled to me and with a quick move grabbed my notepad to read...

"I want to know you!" she said to me...

I smiled back and she started to look to the pages one by one....

she said "you have a terrible writing, I cannot read it, you need to help me"

we started to read my lousy notepad with full of lousy poems and stupid sketches...

she was close to me laughing and enjoying ...

it was like a hazy dream ...where people are flying for no particular reason...

after a while Bloody Marry came and mumbled somethings to Calypso's ear

she stood up and rushed quickly with her...

it happened so fast I couldn't even asked her whether I will be able to see her again...

I thought she will come back again...

That evening, I continued drinking alone in the bar...

especially at the sunset it was so beautiful...

because from where you sit you can just see the sun sinking into the sea shining all of the orange red hues

from where you sit...and there is not a lot of people around...

instead you have "shine on you crazy diamond" playing on the background

a cool summer breeze licking your salty tense skin and your drunk eyes and ears 

which make everything that you experience more intense...

you are in love with a beautiful women that you yet to discover..

after all life was not soo think it gives you breaks...

before the dinner, I went to the sea...dropped myself in

than went to the shower refreshed and waked up after so many beers and got refreshed...

went to my tent..take out my water bottle which contained a boiling water which was left in the tent under the scorching sun...

than take two of my anti-depressant pills and swallowed them with the boiling water, yesterday I forget to take the pill so I will equalize the situation today..

Than I changed my shirt, took out my swimming suit, put on a clean underwear...cleaned the sand that got stick in my private parts and got ready to meet "Green fairy" once again...

During the dinner in this place volunteers cook and prepare an open buffet full of health foods...

whatever cheap that day...local veggies, or fish caught from the sea, there were always plenty to choose and each of the options were delicious...

I got myself a plate and starting to scan the dinner area for "green fairy"

but she was no where to be seen....walked around to pass time with the hopes that she will eventually show up...

after certain amount of time I understood that she is nowhere to be found...

I made myself a plate and got myself a beer from the bar...I ate my dinner on a table where I shared later with 3 people whom asked me to join the table (the place was full...).

with disappointment but  politely I had to share my table with these people...

I finished my meal, say bon appetite to other people in the table and take my dishes to the wash station

there everybody wash their own dish on their own...everybody help a little bit to take care of the facility...kind of punk communal living

as I was washing my plate I saw them (including Green Fairy) going to common area a big group...boys and girls...

beer no: 4 -> beer no:5

they all fill up to a table where she was sitting in the center where it is difficult to access...

after I did my plate...I walked to the bar and passed just by their table, I took my time to make sure she saw me there.... I stood by the table...

she saw me but she acted like I was not there...and it felt a little bit weird to the other people on the I was a creep...they were looking to me in a weird way...

I understood that she won't be interacting ...I acted like I was drunk...they were laughing to something

and when the crowd was finished with laughing...I laughed in an angry manner like I was drunk

and walked directly to the bar..

All of them looked weirdly to me including her and than laughed behind my back....

I felt so depressed and lost my belief in humanity at that moment...

beer no: 5 -> beer no: 6

Loyal reader, if you were royalty you would be royal, loyal reader...

of course if you were royal we might be relatives somehow.

ha ha ha...

even the excess dose of anti-depressants was not my cure...

I continued my drinking frenzy followed by joint and other drinks at the "rock bar".

literally "rock bar"

a bar carved on the cliff where there is a ledge on the cliff where you can jump to the sea and there is a bar on this ledge there is a bar where you can listen to great music..

hippie paradise...

although the climb to the bar was difficult especially when you are drunk

there is a high risk of braking your skull by falling down on your head on the rocks

I am expert on climbing that bar drunk....fucking miss that piece of shit place

multiple times I fell and hurt my self from there as I am going back and forth to toilet

In this life all I wanted was my gift! Though, my gift turned out to be something that I was not expecting!

anyways, after the disappointment of Calypso's treachery I went to the rock bar to drink some hard liquor....

climbed the rock bar and come close to the bartender..and asked him 

"what kind of poison can you give me?"

he was a cool kid and he responded to me "I got your treatment"

the women standing next to me was also interested and turned towards us and I saw a familiar face as she turned towards me

my upstairs neighbor from my hometown...

although I don't know her directly but I know her because of the tv show she is acting...but I better know her daughter and her dog better...because my friend whom I was sharing my condo had to stay one night on her apartment because of another adventure we had back there in a very unusual circumstance which made her daughter and her dog friends with us.....because she was my neighbor living upstairs....

she turned back to me and said hey I know you...

you are the handsome kid that lives downstairs...hello neighbor howdy...

I got shy " I said hi in a shy manner, she said my daughter is also here" and she (daughter) came from someplace and we looked with her daughter and smiled...and responded "we know one another"

because of the other story I will tell you later...ha ha ha its such a story

anyways bartender at the time was doing a fantastic drink which include smashing a flavorful peach with vodka, rum and gin....a drink limiting to long island ice tea

it was delicious though....I danced with the friendly star neighbor and her daughter all night and with the people in their group...

one drink followed another, another drink followed other....

in the end bar started to loose customers and I knew than 

it was time to go back to tent...

the stairs of the bar were vile 

one end there was the sea other end was cliff

down the stairs was a thumble and a fall

I can be very balanced when I am drunk ...

two stairs first step than hold the rope as I was falling to the sea and a balance to the cliff side with 

left foot...I made it to the bottom...

walked left and right to the bathroom in the dark drunk...

peed, washed my face, although it didn't cut to wake me up,

I went under the shower, it was cold as fuck at this time of the night

but it waked the fuck off me right away...

I slowly walked backed to the beach and where my tent is at slowly...

on the beach further I saw people made fire on the beach and they were spinning poi with fire

i get to some distant to the fire and watched them from a far...

they were the group of the Calypso....

the mischievous bitch and her fucking clan...

I was pissed but to watch her spin fire poi was breathtaking, at the time I was so drunk to spin the fire wand and join her ....

still had the scars from the other night where hit the wand to my leg and it took of a bunch of meat from my fire wand was built by me, DIY wand made of steel bar not the aluminum because its easier to balance it when you throw it high into the air spinning...

so i watched from afar angry...and later went to my tent and fell a sleep...

next morning I met with the captain guy (ship man) and had another adventure

Beer No:6 -> Beer No:7

After the ship adventure....I continued drinking around and making friends...

as Calypso approaching me during day and spending some time with me teasing me 

but always avoiding the evenings and the nights at the time I had hard time to understand

but it was obvious, she was with someone else, or it was something like peer pressure

or she was psychopath...

no normal person gets interested in you and shows all the signs than left you in a way that nothing has happened between you...its not always points to some kind of mental health issue

definitely in them but if you are falling for that shit also for you

I have to tell you shit...

I was always the person to poke the bear...if there is something that nobody would try to do because either they don't have the balls to do it or they thought it was stupid to do...I was there doing that shit...!

I "was" the daredevil,

anyways...days and nights passed....days together, nights distant and a far....

she was flirting with me all day but at night she was disappearing with her clan...

and I was getting drunk and high with a variety of people and fucking other girls I met drinking togrther....

always teasing me during the day like I was her boyfriend and like we don't know each other during the evening and the night...

Beer no:7->Beer no:8

Reader, you should at least need to support my beer, its obvious that you don't support my weed!

the day come to return to my hometown....

I was wasted all summer on booze, joint and sex

we exchanged numbers with her.....

I was not planning to get in touch with her....because of her attitude

she reached me.....

first time she called me to dinghy ride on the Bosphorus, she had a summer dress with no panties

on september....

after the lousy dinghy ride...

we went to a popular bar we both enjoyed and got wasted....on three monkeys

a special cocktail that probably spiked with shit

than we drove to my friends completely drunk 

at the time due to economic reasons I had to return to my parents because

I was not able to afford my condo

so we ride to my best  friend

there we drank more

and than I fucked was not enjoyable though

because she was so obsessed with me fucking her

Beer no:7 -> Beer mo:8

I fucked her but I did not enjoyed it at all....

it was like something that should be done earlier but I was not able to complete on time

like the things that you always postpone...and do afterwards just to accomplish that task.

after all these events and passing me gonorrhea...

we met her once again.....this time it was her house

Beer No:7 -> Beer No:8

she called me frantically during day time

I was working and left the work early

to smoke weed and fuck her once more to catch gonorrhea again...

Beer No:7 -> Beer No:8

I loved her but there was something so evil in her (aside gonorrhea)

that won't let us be!

The last time she wanted to reach me 

I did not respond back to her....

(Painting: Calypso  1869- Henri Lehmann 1814-1882)


Beer No:7 -> Beer No:8



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