your time broom

 Hello Dear Readers,

I am not sure whether you will read this tonight or tomorrow...

if I finish this today you will read this today otherwise tomorrow

the thing is that I want to write but I am not sure what I want to write

it just don't flow today....

I don't have the energy

today is one of those days 

the one that you realize how terrible things are going on in the world 

a kind which makes you feel great sadness and worry about

you may ask what is going on?

and I can tell you what is going on?

we have wars, we have famine

we have floods, we have hurricanes

we have earthquakes, we have pandemics

we have economic disasters, we have pollution,

we have global warming, we have wild fires,

we have widespread drug addiction, mental health problems 

and all are due to our own making...

we "the humans" did something really wrong...

all these are happening one after another and 

they are happening over and over again

disasters everywhere,

this is the new normal we are slowly getting used to

people are hurt, people are dying

scary, very scary

very sad and very depressive

its difficult to hold dear to our values in this kind of situations

but it would be humanities only salvation to hold on to our values

values like

to love one another

to forgive one another

and try to understand one another

the sadness and lack of my energy

is because of the overall vibration we all produce

I feel angry 

because we choose to hide ourselves in our small conveniences

which are fuelling all these troubles we have

how ignorant we are...

how weak we are

No... I am not talking about the weakness on destroying one another, the planet and ourselves....

weakness is in our souls...

or the weakness of connection with our souls....


many live a surface level life

not aware of their selves or their being

and unfortunately you cannot expect

someone who is not aware of themselves

to have awareness of their actions..

its frustrating and saddening for the people

who can see these

and who are 


bewildered all the same

worshiping artificial sun with high profit kills you the best

competing our sacred fears left to crumble 

death is a hourglass of our deeds dropping one by one

pain and suffering threads the new war on the mindset

lost inside like a barren desert with an illusion grandeur

don't be afraid of the zombie movies because you are one

your tail has to fire up the light in you to set you free

and bind you to your being which you need to cling

                    King H. Ironson


As in boarding, bin he sat groom

Sour harp ukulele reek

Poisoned pause on my ears

Who's lame pet me

broom dead loom

mend thy singer

burns the list

Lie grace be mine


Pruning rom sour twist to tap

Whore's shares set toast

Sin blist of heels

Band beat of tiery fist

                King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Manfredrichter - Pixabay)


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