Brewing love vision

 Dear Reader,

Today, I have collected the leaves on the backyard and spend some time outside.

the weather is starting to be crisp, although afternoon it was more warm

this morning when I was doing my meditation outside first time

I covered myself with a polar blanket...

last two days my hands and face became chilly

especially my fingers since I don't move them

and approximately it takes 1-1,5 hours meditating

its a very small time considering the examples I read  

of the enlightened ones...

days, weeks in a dark room so contraped that you can only sit... 

yes I want to have a longer time meditating

especially the times I can focus on not focusing on to anything

its a golden moment...

easier said than done

especially when you are a kind of person who overthinks,


although I learn to live with this kind of non-stop mind

the key is to hold a focus...

which I can achieve by reducing the amount of inputs

especially crowded social interactions make me so tense

because there is so much input...

when there is limited amount of input its easier to focus...

Grounding laugh sought, marvelling at breed of night

Greeting new reality seams, grounded passionate dreams

Brewing love vision, not a fake fail illusion

Brilliant lady, with frank white star stare

Lively art of her heart dreaming dear love

Kind setting nothing in black, boo without slack

Lease billings of grow, gleaming better scarecrow

considering breaking of the wall you laid brick by brick

                                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Hey_Zoey - Pixabay)




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