good deeds through good intentions indeed

 Dear Reader,

Today, things turned all right...the printer started working on its own without I have to do anything

and by the midday, I received an e-mail from the headhunter for an interview this afternoon...

I was free and it went all right...if anybody prayed for me yesterday, I have to tell you it thank you for doing that if you ever did that... :)

Today, I even get another quick phone interview without appointment...

I was nearly end the call thinking that its a scam call..

hopefully, last 4 years I made a habit of talking and messaging with the scammers nicely with the thoughts of an important person calling me...

so, I waited for the other end to respond, than I understood that its someone doing an initial interview with me....:)

I don't know from which part of the world you are reading this blog, but up here in Canada

we have serious scammer problem....nearly 70% of all the calls I receive are from scammers

they usually call you and until you say something like "hello" they don't respond back....

so if there is a gap after your "hello" to their initial response its high likely scam call center...

today just that happened....

although the scammers usually speak "Indian English" so you can make more sure that it might be from one of these scam call centers from there...

usually they try to trick you in regard to a certain service you might use, such as amazon, or cellphone, internet companies...

usually they ask your credit card number or bank account number to correct certain made up problem they claim that you have in order to drain your bank account...

they mostly scam senior's or new commers to Canada or people who are confused at the time...

they drain bank accounts and leave their victims in terrible situations...

especially recent years to live up here became extremely expensive

in recent months going to a supermarket became a reason for a panic attack for me...

I am sure there are many people like me...I know that people are making ends meet by the help of food banks....even people who have jobs...

so scammers please don't try to rob poor Canadians especially our seniors...

please go away and find another humane job for yourselves instead of making money by hurting others... I was nearly hang off the phone to the lady who called me for a pop up interview...

reader, I can tell you that being nice and good always turn back to you in someway or another....

its for sure sometimes you get so frustrated and caught up in a corner...

even in those dark situation if you learn to be content and be grateful

you can learn from the experience and see what is really important in life...

bravest prime is bummers fast death

sleep perceptions propose pestilence face 

be boss loss the yields of hazards heed my warns

Dork won't mend time, hailed to maintain more loss

Rough song stencil pawn barter be true don't falter

good deeds through good intentions indeed

                                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: 12019 - Pixabay)

Things that belong together
burning with same flame
glowing with the same flame
evolving and enlightening
one another..
They are not opposites
instead they compliment 
one another...
hold on to
what that is for you!


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