grey try barely fly

 Dear Reader,

Last couple of days went by as if I was not around...

there were lots of thoughts....

things are changing and I am working in my kids desk

when he is at school....his room looks to backyard and I can see the trees and sky line

from there...I am working here because he grew older and his older desk was basically 

a kids desk which he cannot do because it was smaller for him...

so I gave him my study desk for a while to prevent cost of a new desk

now I have to work in the living room when he is at home 

and when he is at school I work in his room...

today I applied couple of jobs, some of the applications I made returned to me 

saying that they are not moving forward with my application

the ones I already interviewed couple of them even though I had multiple interview

no response back, not even negative response...

I found my self phased out watching the falling leaves flying randomly 

around with the wind....

I felt like those leaves...

nothing to hold on to...


its very difficult to stay positive in such condition

a life that is on stand by 

as the world is crumbling down

with economic crisis, climate disasters and war, 

the only power I have is the hope 

hope's that I fill find a job soon

and get the fuck out of this province

to hope it will be better in the other one

its really challenging to get a decent job 

which you can make a living with your pay check nowadays

the housing market is crazy and cost of living is incredibly high

especially in certain provinces 

with all these thoughts I watched the leaves

fly away with the wind 

and thought to myself that people who have a job and are working at this moment are probably hating every second of it 

me on the other hand at same moment stressing out and looking to a magnificent autumn horizon and counting 

the yellow maple leaves fall one by one 

it is liberating to know that at this point I am not tied to any other place 9 to 5 just to make a living..

but the other hustles I tried doesn't seem to least they don't bring something 

that I can live on...

and unfortunately I don't have a lot of money waiting in the savings account to start a business..

everything costs terribly high and I am not sure whether this economic climate is a good 

to start a business anyways...

I am feeling peaceful, and made peace with my inner thoughts first time in my life

and everything is falling apart around me 

weird. but also beautiful at the same time

that is why I felt like that leaf 

all free, beautiful and present 

but yet falling, dramatically to their demise

with these thoughts and nothing to do

I made one of the low content notebook idea, which I had today...

its been on my mind for a while but couldn't do it for a while...

lately, even though I am calm and have clarity

there is this huge feeling inside me like something going to sprout

but yet also there is this huge sadness and heaviness 

no reason why...don't get me wrong I feel happy and content

regardless of what kind of situation I am in

I made my peace with myself and everyone

these feelings are not related to my situation either

its like the effect of this great shift I feel 

which is going to bring a huge change in my life

I am not sure what it is yet..but I feel it

having very strange dreams...all these news in the world

with my personal situation and past events all mumbled up,

mixed  and mashed in nightmares 

making me wake up in the middle of the night...

couldn't get my sleep last couple of nights

the thing is that I don't foresee any changes soon

except hopefully finding a job and moving away from here

even that doesn't seem to be happening soon

I don't know.....

its something,

a change

like being released from a tree that you were attached to

and finding yourself dragging away by the wind

definitely my old life is going to change

because my mind and heart changed

I know my priorities and the way I perceive life

is changed, so how can I think that everything is going to be same

like as it was before in my life?

not sure what kind of life 

will be the remaining time I have on this beautiful garden of eden...


curtains stain to gloom

has the run bets to my needs

fall on the light ray 

grey try barely fly

pass the minutes, hours, days, years

has the life sand dropped and told me

I am awake and alive

bust joke ache right score

with a light hat of an amateur

chance has fetched an impossibility

ply ply manifested cry

rites I chant burned into bites washed with tides

as I rip apart and fall to part cradled with the winds rhymes

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Mathias Reding - Pexels)



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