Laugh boo!

 Dear Reader,

Last entry of October 2023....

Yesterday it snowed here and today it was freezing...

this year I have not went out with my kid for the trick and treat trip...

he is older now and he wanted to go with his friends alone...

so I have not participated the fun... :(

I did not want to be attached to his fun and reduce his independence

weather was very cold though... probably I would not want to be outside for too long

because I am feeling a little bit under weather, because packing up a house takes some energy 

feeling tired already 

reader, I will keep it short, maybe I can take couple of days off...

got many things to do and cannot also focus on this at the moment...

we will see...

you see I don't want to write here just to write

actually I do exactly like that

but what I wanted to say was that I want to put my effort and energy on writing the lousy shit

if I write with no energy than it becomes real junk

Laugh boo!

A lot to live, love more

Don't mask emotions to rust

Remember our days on this eden are numbered

Go pursue thrills, spell words of magic chanted

let your heart painted with the color of love, Red! 

                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Three Witches in Macbeth 1909 Cavendish Morton 1874-1939)

Trick or Treat?


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