miss a fizz of the detail

 Dear Reader,

Sad, sad, sad day...

I am so sad to see that we humans are as primitive as this...

blood spills initiate blood spills a vicious circle

I am so sad for everyone who lost their life today regardless of which side they are!

unfortunately, we are evolved so little from being a caveman 

if you are wondering what I am talking about 

I am talking about the tragic events that took place first in Israel than in Palestine..

and of course I should not forget the war going on between Ukraine and Russia

in Syria and also many other parts of the world........

for all of the war mongers...the war only brings death and terror

nothing more...

the day we stop making guns and get rid of them

will be the day we will really evolve

A blow from affair

miss a fizz of the detail, trim your median cocky tragedian

that would be a mutant's reckoning

an appetite for mellow light summarizing me

expanding me to peace in grace

                               King H. Ironson

(Photograph: FrankyFromGermany - Pixabay)


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