sputter the tones

 Dear Reader,

Today, I also slacked, maybe before I sleep I will work some time for the interview

its like somebody else is taking the interview but not me...

it looks like I am more concerned on self worth issues of other people than 

the great problems I have at hand...

for my readers with self worth issues I would like to tell you couple of things

which helped me alot to get over mine...

everyday I remind my self that "I love myself"

this is not a statement of love in a narcissistic way

its the healthy amount of love you need to exist as being

also I remind myself that "I forgive myself for doing all the things I regret to do"

reader always remind yourself that "everything starts and ends with you"

so if you feel that you have nothing you are mistaken

because you have you, and that is all you need

the minute you learn to listen what your gut feel is saying to you

you will do ok!

now reader, if you excuse me I will give you one poem and try to work a little..

hoist to birds that are weirdy

little and with glow

to truth, a brittle sustenance

which flaters like a boss, show him fairground

full poem all the part

sputter the tones 

saw the binds of treason

shut fists rot what they says

that is not your ways

this false tense cannot ferries

a man enlightened a man without bias

unapologetic mentality

don't ever mend "the happening"

to a fake bend flattering

your actions will salvage your being 

                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Burak The Weekender - Pexels)

The sparrows, other birds and squirrels living around my house
and frequently visiting my backyard became their potato version
I fed them well, they are ready for the winter!
Especially sparrows they look like small flying potatoes! :)
They are so cute! 



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