Shear the scammer's swear

 Dear Reader,

For the couple of days I have been searching for 

desktop computer parts to build a gaming pc for my son...

its been long awaited project for him...

he has been collecting money out of refunds of the cans

and from the money he received as earlier christmas gifts,

the money he earned from the garage sales and of course his allowance

so he is nearly there to get the computer but he is still missing 

so the missing part is going to be gift for him...

its been a while since I built up a pc,

the components changed a bit but I get used to the new 

components and which ones are good right away

so I have devised a very economic and capable 

gaming desktop for him because the money is really really tight

but I am not trying to reflect this situation to him

so..its a little bit of sad and low key christmas approaching it seems

still no looks like shit hit the fan for the economy...

I don't think its going to get any good soon...

and it is really difficult to navigate in this kind mirky conditions

came out of the pandemic and straight into war than another one...

what is next? you have all the reasons for economic crash...

when you get all the terrible experiences 

and with the bitter taste...

they come up with new set of rules and agendas

before loosing to fear and tumbling down and accepting the bitter recipe

learn what you are signing up to...

reader remember your earlier experiences...

remember where the decisions you made out of fear take you earlier

remember how your freedom is being hold up from its balls

be clever and stay vigilant

You have to awaken friend!!!

fear leads you to tear

bear in mind open your eyes sear

fear takes over you to spear

dear lend an ear 

appear calamities and they use your fear

drear consequences for the bitter pill swear

Lear tells you shine love to drown fear

Shear the scammer's swear

                King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Tim Mossholder - Pexels)

Luck where is my new truck
turn my luck and create lot's of buck
cracks lacks pluck checks
rush sly hike bird like
take my hand and let's bake
                   King H. Ironson




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