equinox of might, light changing the scope, minds glow low to high

Dear Reader,

Today I had weird thoughts and got carried away with them...

it was related to some abstract values we have created as humans

values that bind us to a certain contract and we born into them

they became a norm of society and you are expected to follow them 

even at birth or when you grew up you didn't sign up this contract

still it binds you

weird...as humanity we developed these abstract concepts

to suit our needs and in the end we find ourselves being suited to the needs of these abstract concepts

just like all the good ideas we find,  later  on somebody came up and abused it to their need

and after all this abuse that good idea doesn't benefit society instead it harms the society...

just think the examples we invented atomic power and later on somebody came up and made a killing machine out of it 

and caused global fear that at any moment because of stupidity the planet could go kaboom...

when we discover things unfortunately we don't have the foresight of what it could lead...

we don't have the capacity to comprehend or understand what that discovery could cause generations later...

because our foresight is limited to 5-7 decades, not centuries or thousand years

do you think that people who discovered internal combustion engine could imagine their invention would cause an effect on the planets climate?

or just take the green paints used in the Victorian era

Scheele's Green, its a toxic decoction of copper and arsenic oxides

the chemist who discovered them made a lot of money

and made a fashion of this deadly green paint

however the toxicity of this paint which was used in the wallpapers, dyeing clothes and even candies

caused horrific deaths 

so as humans we discover things we fuck up

than we try to find solutions to unfuck which we fucked up earlier 

that is unfortunately the mode how we develop and progress

can you imagine what kind of fuck up we will find ourselves in after a couple of decades later

in this context I was thinking about the role of the "money" and "state" as inventions

of human collective mind,

and I was thinking whether one day humanity will find solutions

to unfuck these abstract concepts that they created earlier which started to become corrupt, toxic and very harmful to their own existence?

with the progress in technology I believe these concepts will become obsolete soon...

we already seen many examples of alternatives to the monetary system where 

the control of the money is decentralized...

maybe this will also initiate a system that could decentralize governance as well..

we all know all it takes to one group of demagogues to take up control of the governance...

then they can use every kind of division, calamity and fear to reduce your rights....

and your free speech 

so that even you see what is going on 

you cannot awaken others..

 harness of human soul bleak grey full of sorrow

a big ox giving a birth to death one dark horror, low

equinox of might, light changing the scope, minds glow low to high

lousy shackles cracking hellbox broken, fleeing hearts for a great nigh

                                                                                    King H. Ironson

(Image: Mary Harrsch, Assyrian Relief depicting Celebration after a Royal Bull Hunt Kalhu (Nimrud) Northwest Palace Ashurnasirpal II 875-860 BCE British Museum, Gypsum. The hunt was one of the most frequently depicted royal activities, reflecting the king's ability to subdue the powers of nature and maintain order throughout the empire. Ritualized celebrations were held after a successful hunt. Here Ashurnasirpal, wearing a royal headdress, stands left of center, surrounded by attendants and musicians. He holds a hunting bow and raises a libation bowl over the slain bull that lies at his feet. - This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Source Link of the Image is given on the image.)





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