escape bold told words

 Dear Reader,

I am still vibing and I still want to write

maybe its the urge to talk rather than to write

I am not sure but I am sure that its the latter one

a good bar with good music

missed the places I vibed

they were cool places and they produced a lot of 

cool artists, musicians and writers 

the christmas tree looks cool but the star on the top looks crooked

when I wake up tomorrow with a possible hangover 

I should make it right

it just caught my eye

reader, do you get frustrated when you loose something

it really bugs me 

I cannot have peace if I loose something

until i find it

most of the time i find that thing by retracing my steps

but sometimes I can't and it really bugs me

I guess its me being so fucked up in the head

this year its going to be glorious 

I feel it 

or like the google button "i am feeling lucky"

really I don't give a fuck what kind of calamity is going to take place

I will be in the moment and vibing my light from my arse

ha haha 

you can't do anything on the things you cannot change after all

so I will focus on the things I can change

hopefully lift the black veil of misery from me 

and make myself a new life

maybe get a new dog and open my heart to new flights

horizon is where I am headed to 

and I will make sure all the silly details to be recorded and written down in the most unique way

magic will go on

experiences makes the life's worth

not the regrets of the experiences

I like beer but I don't like to pee a lot

I like the liquor but I like to drink it like the beer and I don't like to get drunk quickly

reader I need to drink water before I sleep to avoid headaches in my hangover

some hangovers are beautiful reader

if you open your eyes

next to the person you love

and you had the same hangover

its sharing every taste of life

it feels less hangover if its that way

its just simply like hazy colors you left on the art paper with water colors

smooth and not distinct

light and free

reader I got the sneeze

probably because I choose to go outside to fill the bird feeder with my crocs (barefeet) and with my pj's every morning 

the weather is chilly here we are at -5 to -10 C range

tomorrow they issued a special weather warning 

although I did not choose to look what kind of monstrosity is going to take place

i will accept it regardless 

and it will not change my attitude towards the way I go to fill the bird feeder...

although when I move from this place there will be no one filling the feeder

and animals that depend on that feeder will be orphaned

I wish they find someone else who can feed them regularly

especially the squirrels

they are thriving and very happy at the moment 

shape cold mold words

escape bold told words

                       King H. Ironson         

(Photograph: 12019 - Pixabay)





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