far from calm forever a constant call

 Dear Reader,

Yesterday, I had a black out...

probably from the wind storm...

I have waited with the hopes that lights will come but it didn't arrive...

Now as I am telling you all this I felt like a student giving 

an excuse to the teacher on the lacking homework..

today I am going to give my homework

a lousy one...


reader I am postponing to pack my vinyl records

I have 5 beers (white bunnies) and tomorrow I plan to do a last

music listening and partying maybe accompanied by a good old Marry Jane

one last cosmic vibe in this beautiful home...

the new place I am going to move looks nice

but it feels like it does not have the soul

its a new building in a new development area...

not my kind of stuff...

reader I have been 

seeing darkness and Kali Maa

herself all around...

She called me to her dark womb

and this morning in my meditation

I dived in her womb to listen

what is that she is going to tell me...

As we may have talked or not...

darkness and light are the same thing

which describes being or not being

nothing and something

whenever I find myself

in the presence of Kali Maa

I feel the ultimate darkness

and parts of myself that I need to 

work on so that I can use the nothingness

in my favor....

to create new

you need a blank canvas

So  you need to balance your dark and light as well

I feel like being more weighed down to one side more

so it can attract the other one...

so from time to time you need to balance up

to be in the sill is no net change and complete


so no room for creation there!

my dark drills and light thrills

like riding the waves of a great sea

far from calm forever a constant call   

ups and downs, pushes and pulls

light body that shine attract a dark body that sucks shine...

                                                                   King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Henry_Han - Pixabay)


Tired but my tires are old
I need to be re-tired.



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