damn beam parade sharade

 Dear Reader(s), 

Today was a warm day and I could do whatever I planned for this day...

so I believe it was a very productive day...

and overall I felt at ease...things resolved an anxieties are relieved

peaceful day...in near future I will be having great changes

so I will need to arrange everything according to the new normal

for instance I need to find a suitable time to do my meditation

when to write the blog....etc...It seems I will get very busy

I will see one thing at a time....

reader I hope that you also had a productive day..

Reader, I don't know if you have the same problem we have over here!

"but is there anything keeping you from starting today?"

"o get that done today?"

"Hi, Linda. Why hasn't the necklace I ordered arrived yet?"

"Hi, is this Lisa's mobile phone number?"

"Excuse me, are you Susanna?"

"Hello! Long time no see, where are you?"

"Clara! This me Monica, we play golf together before and it's fun. When you available? Let's play again together. (with an attached photo of a Chinese girl in golf cart)"

"Hi, Do you remember me? We share contact number at last meeting. Sorry for adding you late. What have you been up to?"

"Hi, are you working? Do you have time tomorrow?"

"Hi are you Jenny?"

"Hi, I'm Ellie. Are you Kelly? I read your resume. You can come to work tomorrow (smiley)"

"Hi David! Are you busy! If you are busy then reply my when you are free from work."


"do you have time tonight! Come to my house for dinner! (smiley)"

 me: "it would be nice? Because I am hungry. though I guess you have the wrong number! (smiley)"

"No way. I'm Melissa, didn't you save my number? Amy"

me: "Ooh Melissa? I'm Lemmy from Motorhead not Amy...(smiley)"

me: "Really wrong number! Melissa sorry! For your dinner plans! Have a good one (smiley)"

"Lemmy? I'm so sorry, I think I need to go and check the number, I kept mistaking it for Amy's number, my oversight, I didn't realize it was the wrong person, hope this didn't bother you (smiley)"

"I'm very sorry Lemmy, I just checked the number and found that I entered the wrong number, your number is very similar to Amy's number, this is an embrassing thing, hope you don't mind (praying smiley, smiley)"

me: "That's ok bye!"

Yes reader these are a selection of scammer messages I have been receiving alongside with the scammer calls...

these are the easy to spot ones...

there are also very insidious ones...for instance once I applied to this very large company for a job opening than I received a message from the same company with a link...

telling me to use the link for confirmation

what a coincidence....at first I thought that it might be that company...but no one here usually does such things they usually call you or e-mail you...

so when I check the companies website, I learned that these were scammers...

reader you need to be alert at all time to not to get scammed

its non-stop....6 out of 10 calls is scam.. nearly most of the messages I receive is scam...

simply terrible...

I don't know why I brought this up

probably it made me angry

because usually these low lifes prey on seniors

they basically scam them and steal their money by accessing their bank accounts or credit cards...

usually these scammers are making these calls from other countries...

so if you got scammed nothing gets done to these people and the money you lost is gone...

simply terrible...

a terrible poem

slam bam shade glade tan

glam ham evade scam plan

sham ram spade trade pan

jam spam grade pride fan

damn beam parade sharade low human

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Couleur - Pixabay)




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