Dawning of the great generosity age

 Dear Reader(S),

The "S" is for readers from Singapore! ;)  (Thank you very much for your attention!!!)

Reader, tonight the Moon is majestic, I was out for an errand around 5-6pm and it was dawning

it was huge and crimson colored clouds were cradling it a great surprise for our beloved day...

today I got beers reader a Friday classic...

so I might write a second piece after we celebrate our beloved Love Queen!

Reader today I was not able to get to much business in food delivery but I delivered a market shopping for a new mom without a car and probably hardly getting by...

you can tell from the roughness of the house and the yard... 

this is the new economic reality for many of us...

She sended me 1$ tip...It was the most valuable money I have ever earned...

reader usually you don't get tipped much in the rich neighborhoods...

what a strange thing? God Bless that struggling mom! 

I hope she would have all kind of abundance and ease in her life...

the second delivery I made was the lunch of a guy working from home again in the meeh part of town

here in the streets you can tell some are doing ok others are struggling

this guy send me 5$ tip...God bless him too..I understand that he knows how hard it is to struggle

and that is why he send that tip...

so reader todays transaction is 15$ for two rides including the tips..

people with consciousness and awareness tend to be a helping hand while others are struggling around them...

because they can empathize those hardships...

reader today I opened my favorite songs I had listened in 2023 and drove while listening to them...

currently I am still listening them from my spotify account...

if you want to listen what I am listening you can check "King H Ironson" from spotify,

my listening activity is open 

but beware I listen to really weird shit...I listen everything and anything...;)

anyways the thing I wanted to say that It was really cool to drive to my favorite music

in a sunny beautiful weather...I really enjoyed it...

not to only drive but also to be able to help and  

get to see the beauty in the hearts of total strangers...

this would conclude my chit chat and start the mambo jambo word salad of the importance of the today...

Today under the majestic full moon we celebrate 

our beloved Inanna's gift to the humanity...


we are always craving it from ourselves and from others...

it gives us Light 

it gives us our inner Flame

those who are lucky to comprehend the value of  LOVE...

celebrate it with us 

joining to me by reading poetry and looking at beauty 

admiring the aesthetics

so tonight we present our humble gifts

a poem and a recycled environmentally friendly nude

to the apple of our eye Inanna!

Dawning of the great generosity age

Manifesting sage's page is to raise,

big hearted, poverty Queen's stage. 

Generous is the empathy of King Mage,

Full of Love and Light without any range

Come wash up under divine shine for an inner purge

Drink the ancient wisdom and seek the inner peace's surge 

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Model - Louise Squire 1920's by Alfred Cheney Johnston (1885-1971) - Public Domain in the U.S.A., source link is given on image)

Reader I said that I will write more
but now I am not so sure
started to loose energy 
don't get angry if I don't write more



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