nothing billed mansions v.s. reduced rations of vague populations

 Dear Reader(s),

I am trying to set up buymecoffee so that there will be more ways to support what I am doing here..

Although, I am not decided what kind of things to offer there...Obviously, I don't want to make this blog pay per see type of blog...

I guess I will be writing here to reach as much audience I could reach...

and I don't want this medium to be completely transferred there as well

additionally, due to restrictions of the service some of the posts I have here cannot be transferred that platform as well...

so reader, I plan something like this....

there will be a subscription there which will give you an exclusive access to the partial content of the new book projects which I don't post here...

additionally, there will be exclusive gifts for the subscribers... these gifts would be personalized gifts related to the words...

since I cannot ask your opinions probably this is going to be the way to go...

things are growing...and I really need a support for this medium 

considering my unemployment and very low book  and merch. sales... I considered this additional type of support mechanism, because not all the merch and books are available to all regions of the world...

so reader, I am giving you a plenty of options to support me...if you like what you find here and if you want to support me....or if you want this blog to continue, I appreciate your contributions! Thank you very much for your support!

Reader, you can always support me by making this blog visible by sharing the link and the means to reach this visible in other platforms...You can mention my blog to your friends...

you might consider to follow me from twitter, or in Instagram and in you tube (i plan to put some meditation videos if I can manage)...

I will give the links of all these platforms in a new link on the left which will read "Support Me!"

Reader I kindly thank you for taking this journey with me

as you follow it became more than a writing journey 

and it extended to the infinity inside the human soul...

thanks for being.

today as I was working from home 

my mind got stuck and made the earlier entry...

felt relieved after I wrote that entry...

later on it was more productive...

I cooked (green lentil soup) and home made bread...

so it was a nice, healthy and hearty dinner

in between everything I was able to upload a book that I prepared earlier...

reader I need to review a manuscript to be sent to scientific journal but

I have been avoiding it for last two weeks...A paper ready to be submitted...

need to check it but for some reason I don't want to focus on it...

another thing I have been procrastinating is to write a book about my scientific area for the public..

which I know that will be of interest but I really drag feet on that...because I know it would sell more than the poetry books ha ha ha ha

tomorrow I will do some food delivery work....:)

hopefully maybe I can make some portion of the car insurance

grinding for life, lending wild imaginations of huge donations, to prevent imagination cremations

spending little for survival, nothing billed mansions v.s. reduced rations of vague populations

bleeding mysteries drying,  righteousness killed, for the greediness plague of corporations

blooming angels awakening in masses, enlightened league embark rogue life's revolutions

                                                                                                    King H. Ironson      

(Photograph: Ninocare - Pixabay)






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