vortex torment for unreasonable low mood

 Dear Reader(s),

Today is the snow storm day! Afternoon we had a snow storm than covered everywhere with snow 

all of a sudden...The weather was really good for last couple of weeks...There were no snow laying around everywhere, all the rivers and lakes were flowing...no frozen water bodies, no ice fishing, no skating

nothing, the winter was very mild...

reader today because of that this storm was expected the school bus of my son didn't come


So I had to drive him to back and forth to the school today..

in between I did some deliveries discovered new parts of this beautiful city

this is a very old city unlike many other newer cities...

today I was lucky to drive in the East end of the city where there were old brick buildings with tower's

surviving from early 1800's, that part of the city is full of these kind of big old buildings

also there are many houses from the same era with a variety of different styles

its cool, I imagined myself living in one of them 

lot's of books, cats and a dog, peacefully watching the season's pass by from the beautiful views from the window...

this city is beautiful but its a city in the decline like Hamilton,

its rough and you can tell people are having hard times from the lack of job opportunities

and the problems related to lack of funding in regards to general city infrastructures

like the parks, roads, etc...

these problems also prompts problems like crime, homelessness, drug addictions 

recently there were many people OD'd in the city streets which caused an emergency response crisis...

very sad...this city does not have a great population but have a high homelessness problem in consideration to its population...

whenever a big factory or company stops its business activities in a city like this you observe drastic issues like this...

just like people, cities also live their ups and downs...

they also have their prime and old ages..

they live among the people, they change with time...

in here there is a gray mood attached to the city center regardless of how shiny is the weather

neglect, poverty and lack of opportunities manifested itself through the city

people look hopeful, that is the driving force of life 

another day in paradise...


vortex torment for unreasonable low mood 

a flex dement lore, fable grow hood

blood sex, clement whore, hospitable crow food

alchemical codex, disentanglement core, meow wood

cybersex complex, employment gore, be patient grow good

                                                               King H. Ironson 

(Image: Cover of Greenbacks Magazine 1895-1911 - Source Link on the Image, Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication)




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