Story of Pygmalion

 Dear Reader,


As promised I will give you the story of pygmalion from my take!

and an unrelated poem as well ;).. Reader a quick note, there is a play of Bernard Shaw with the same name but its story has got nothing to do with the following story FYI.

Pygmalion was a great man, he was an artist

an artist of his time...

he gave life to stone and the gods of his time

Pygmalion was one of the few lucky mortal man

who gained immortality through his deeds among the gods.

Gods loved him because of the way he gave body to them among the mortal men

this way gods can be among the mortals and control the life among the mortal men 

and let's not to forget, this way  mortals seeing immortals in material form immortals can also live among the living mind's to stay immortal

Pygmalion was the mortal men but he was all the god's favorite mortal

he was a humble man who didn't have friends... Pygmalion was an outcast

because of his gift of creation he was different from the rest

which made him alone and an outcast...

he was humbled and tamed by the loneliness

Pygmalion was living on an island called Cyprus which is in the middle of Mediterranean

beside the physical island he lived in he also lived in the island of his mind...

he was living on the land of the Salamis 

these lands were rich in valuable metals copper and gold...

Copper is the metal giving this island its name...

at those time this metal was known among the man as kypros among the Helen world and cuprous in the Latin world

Although all these civilization owed greatly what they know on all things to Sumerian whom known copper as "zubar"

all the copper harvested from the earth in Cyprus was traded in the old world...

it was used to make all kind of things plates, cups, statues, weapons...

so Cypriots got the mula,

these people lived a good life and they showed their gratitude for this abundance by building temples to their beloved gods as well as offering gifts to them all the time...

Cypriots developed refined tastes in life because of their good economy...

they gave great importance to aesthetics and beauty...

this great interest of the Cypriots was drawn to the highest limit in the city of Salamis

very easy to understand considering the city was home of the Nymph Salamis who is the daughter of river gods Asopus and Ladon...All of Salamis's sisters were beauties consider Daphnaie (Daphne) for instance...

Ladon, fathered many daughters...All of them were beauties...

Therefore, in Cyprus aesthetics, beauty and love was valued a lot...

One of their most beloved deities was Aphrodite,

during these ages our beloved Inanna goes under the alias of "Aphrodite"

Cypriot's cherished her with temples and many gifts...

Pygmalion grew a very fond relationship with Aphrodite

after all he was the mortal giving life to her majesty on pale white marble

at each reincarnation in the stone 

Aphrodite came to life like 

the shine of the dawning sun on the setting full moon...

pale white, smooth reflection of incomprehensible

majestic beauty...

all the people who have seen the statues of Pygmalion 

shed tears on Love and comprehend why they are offering gifts to their beloved Aphrodite

Pygmalion respected and cherished all the gods, but his heart was always praying to Aphrodite

his one greatest wish was to end his loneliness 

to meet a human that can give him wings and a human which he can give wings to 

Pygmalion had his fair share of heartbreaks in his time

for instance once he met a beautiful girl named Propoetides but later on 

when he realised she is sharing her love with other people in exchange for gold coins and gifts of material nature....

his heart was completely shattered to pieces...

the sadness of Pygmalion started to manifest itself in a sculpture of perfect companion

he started to work on a large piece of left over ivory from sculpting gods...

alongside his regular job making sculptures of great gods

the sculpture of the companion was more humane like 

as he smoothed line after line, surface after surface

the smooth beautiful legs straight and inviting like Corinthian pillars

marvelous erect breasts with highlighted tits like mounds covered with wild flowers on soft grass

an ass giving way to a womanly gorge inviting as the gates of heavens

day and night Pygmalion gave his heart and dirty mind in the creation of his perfect companion

as he chipped pieces from the ivory his heart felt mellow and as the days passed

Pygmalion started to grew wings to his creation

the wings were not only in his back but also in his part of groin as well

Pygmalion was falling for his own creation 

but there was a huge problem...

even though his creation look like alive, it was not!

Pygmalion was cursed to have a one sided love with his creation

in his atelier as he finished the statue of another magnificent Aphrodite 

he prayed to her, after all it was his favorite deity 

he wished that he could have a bride as beautiful as the statue he made

Aphrodite had a very soft spot for Pygmalion in her heart...

her heart broke to see her disciple in such a broken heart..

Pygmalion was hugging the statue he made and kissing her lips 

and trying to make love with her...he was sleeping at the foot of his creation all night

at the 4th day of Hekatombaion (July) Pygmalion climbed up the temple stairs of Aphrodite

and put all the gold coins he earned from sculpting beneath the foot of majestic statue of Aphrodite he sculpted earlier

he whispered to Aphrodite

oh mighty Aphrodite...

 "give her life, 

give her my love

teach her how to love me

teach her your ways

show her the love

show her the light

bless me with her love

make her my bride"

Pygmalion with all the blues and impossibility of his wish drops the coins 

and leaves the temple his head down

crying in and out...

he walks back to his atelier with a jug of wine in his hand drunk.... 

slowly he enters in and starts kissing his statue

all of a sudden lips of the statue feels so gentle, soft and wet to his lips

he continues kissing as he was in a grandiose dream that can be only seen 

by the will of Morpheus..

as he was lost in love and lust 

he makes love with his beautiful statue

and passes out...

next morning he wakes up being hugged by this beautiful women of his dreams

kissing him good morning...

the statue came to life! his creation, his bride...

Pygmalion with a great joy and happiness kiss back his love 

and rush back to temple of Aphrodite hand in hand with his love bare naked

he wants to show his gratitude and thanks

they prayed and kissed the toe of the Aphrodite statue

the great god of Love so happy to see her humble disciple is content and grateful

drops a large sack of gold coins multitude of what Pygmalion dropped to her feet as an offering

Pygmalion named her bride Galatea

they married and loved one another dearly to the end of their time

not to forget out of their love borned a beautiful girl called Paphos

later on the story of  Pygmalion and Galatea was carried in ages

they are named after cities in different parts of the world

for instance Galatea was named after a beautiful part of Constantinople

which is on a hill and have a great view of the Golden Horn and Bosphorus 

later Ottomans when they conquered this magical city they added tower of Galatea

which corresponds to the winged part of Pygmalion's groins 

rise from the hills of Galatea 

its main purpose is to watch and protect the city from the fires..

fires caused by intense Love! 

(Painting: Pygmalion and Galatea 1890 - Jean Leon Gerome (1824-1904))

my conversations of self realizations

a treat of pineal explorations of solitude's rations 

my manifestations of materializations

a great deal of delusions of grandiose ordeal illusions

                                                    King H. Ironson


Reader every creator has their own Galatea!

















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