only never first class guild

 Hello Reader,

Hopefully, the high attention spike the blog received is cooling down..

What ever the reason was its turning back to its original viewing numbers

Actually, I quite did not know what to make of it...

I even thought whether its related to my pen name "King H. Ironson"

reader, I appreciate the attention but its ok if its not there

don't get me wrong I thank everyone who comes here and reads the blog

whether they like it or hate it...

but I have to tell you that I am ok without attention as well

because that is not the motivating force for me to write

I like to write and let's say that will be ..'bout it.

reader today I wake up feeling the headache which arrived later in the morning

I scraped my self from the bed....and drove my miles

took my painkillers on the drive and it just passed when I reached my destination

last night I did not felt like writing to be honest

when you have little time for yourself during your day

you need to choose on what is vital for you

so some evenings I choose to only meditate

reader I am trying to make myself rested during the evenings

last night when I was meditating 

in my mind I was not alone

I had a visitor....

that visitor felt very familiar even though it felt extremely dark

I had the power to send this visitor away but instead I hosted it

I showed it how I keep the light bright in me

and I warned it to leave later on because I knew that my migraine was coming

and I knew that it would be very painful for the dark visitor if they stayed...

they choose to stay peacefully...

there was no action on their end except for observance 

it was kind of dreamy state in my meditation...

after the meditation has finished it stayed in the back of my mind

wanted me to sleep watching tv like I always did

she watched tv with me silently

my migraine did not initiate until the morning

I had my sleep but during the road I had the slight migraine

hopefully it was not a full fledged migraine and I controlled it easily with my pain killer

maybe last night my dark guest was the soul of my migraine

global dunk resident grid

breakthrough free hybrid

crystal dept pizza bias bid

only never first class guild

over cover glades massive mild

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Camera-man - Pixabay)





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