in betweens of existence

 Hello Reader,

I am chilling out and having the life slowly,

taking it as day by day, smooth smooth sailing

weather was good today...I put my set up in the basement here to work

here the basement is unfinished, however it has large window and its bright

I placed my study desk by the window..

so all day as I was looking to the screen but behind the background I have 

the trees, grass, birds, cotton candy clouds, playing squirrels, flowers, butterflies.

so it was not a tiring work...

also I did not need to drive last two days...

yesterday I felt a sleep around eight and woke up at 3 am

so I did my meditation which finished around 4 am and than I slept back again...

reader that is why I am trying to write early tonight

because today is the day we celebrate Love...

and we cannot let it pass 

today we cherish the dawning sun

birds chirping, squirrels running

cotton candy clouds passing by

today we cherish our smile on our lips

the joy of breathing and the shine in our eyes

today we celebrate happiness in our lips

we look into the mirror and we say look how beautiful our soul shines

today we reflect inner light with words of gratitude for Love

we celebrate this divine gift

we celebrate all the deities humanity associated with love through the ages

today on behalf of Love

we celebrate the oldest deity of Love "Inanna"

in our allegiance to Love we offer our humble gifts

a recycled nude and a poem

shift the ages of strange time field

pursue the gift of here and now

in the dark forest of shady mind

light creeps from the crevasses 

suck it, smell the blooms of spectrum

your existence depends on it

don't skip moment's adventures

breath them to fuel your inner sun

heart will grow a mystical flower 

blooming grandiose sovereignty

follow its lead on the realms of 

in betweens of existence

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Annette Kellermann in the Publicity Photo of the film "Daughter of the Gods" 1916 - Public Domain in the U.S.A.) 

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