secret harem poems

 Hello Reader,

I wanted to write, I am sorry if the words don't come out write because I cannot see very well at very low light, my sight is not the best in these conditions and my cheap glasses even cannot help at this point. Words accumulated in me so I need to let them out...Its been some time without a discharge. Don't expect me to talk about this and that. We all don't know what this writing is going to evolve will be a surprise for me as well.. reader I missed my regular routine...wake up meditate write stuff...apply to jobs here and there ...its changed now...its the moment I am sleepy but sleep is not here, I am tired but I feel energetic. I am listening to people talking in tv but not paying attention...i am sad but overflowing with joy and it makes me to punch my self in the face but I can't because I love my self dearly..weird in betweens...I became the materialisation of the word "Nor"....reader I am tipsy... i am not even sure if I will post this. but its the urge to write...cannot name the feelings its new territory, not sure how to handle these feelings of being in between...I also feel like betraying my self but also I have the feeling of being content that I am doing the best with the things conditions available at my disposal and I want to tap in my back...its certain things are changed....I am happy and I crack a smile more often here and there....the feelings of attachment turned to blank parchment paper white and shiny ready to put the pastry on it and ready to be sent to the oven....I saw this lady with huge boobs making great food and the boobs stared at my eyes for a long time...I felt like the parchment paper she is using...send me to oven....burn me under your pastry....ha ha ha ha ....that lady reminded of one of my lovers...the one who had my nude picture after a and white...she is sailing around the world now...she had the exact same boobs...thats how she lured me to her that she can put me in the eyes are giving me a great source of dizziness.. my balls are sweaty...its hot...summer came early....I am dizzy from the glasses and a little bit tipsy from the cheap beer I drunk earlier...I got one more but i don't have the physical means to drink it...I don't want to wake up hangover tomorrow...reader I need to take care of me a little should do that to...I need to take care of my body because its the place where real me resides...I want to experience new experiences in life so to that I need a functioning body...summer is here and I want to ride my bicycle take my dog for a walk and collect its hot shit from the pavement early in the morning...thats a great way to if you love someone pick their shit early in the morning with a bag than feel its warmth and throw it to the organic waste...I am sure they are going to lick you in the face....and even they will be happy with your lethal fart sizzling out of your ass....this remind me of a beautiful donkey I saw earlier with very beautiful eyes...its owner gave it a squeaky toy and it became the most happy animal in the world. There are black squirrels here...they come and go and run around the trees...I watch them...crows found me again...I was successful hiding them for a while but they found me here as well and they are ever watchful... colors lost their meaning lately but I still prefer bright ones over pastel colors and water color over oil paint colors...problems come with emblems and leave with proems. My poems I write in my mind not on any other medium. Like a secret harem poems only for me...all the golems and totems whirl around me like sharks searching for the prey. just like they can smell the blood I am afraid they can hear my poems in my mind. It creates friction in my brain. you can't understand how hot it gets. It becomes dangerous if you are  a source of natural gas...oh reader my charge is running out its all I will say for now...bye

(Photograph: Schwoaze - Pixabay)


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