Hello My Dear Readers,

Howdy, I hope you are doing great...

Today is a bright, shiny and a beautiful day...

The Iris in my front yard blossomed..

They are gorgeous, this year they blossomed in purple color

the color of wisdom...

Last year they gave orange colored blossoms

high likely the soil needs some fertilizing...

What an adaptation...

Regardless of its conditions it blossoms.

Never dull, 

finding a good in every situation and still choose to shine....

A question to you...Even though I am not getting any answers back...

at least ask this question to yourself...

this is about a kind of weird feeling

Have you ever met someone and they resembled someone you know earlier greatly and considered that the person you met might be them?

So you don't know if that person came in a new form to you...

Its weird...

We all look a like one another in many aspects if you look deeply...

Yes to look, interact and share with someone very deeply..

Although, our modern society dictates us to form shallow interactions with one another....

Because we consume one the resources we consume (remember -> human resources, check my previous blog!)

People date, have sex and go on dating and having sex with a new person....

people have anxieties on what will I miss on the market if I stay somewhere long....

Like there is something to miss...

Let me tell you the thing you will miss will be disappointment, humiliation and sadness..

Because you will be never good enough...


because you give the same thing to other people

"what you give is what you get"

a vicious cycle....

You cannot find love there, you can only find cheap thrills 

and make yourself another piece of meat in the market...

these dating business is not any different that the meat section of grocery...

I am sorry, I don't want to be, rude or implying that you should not do dating..

its my opinion...also this is not a judgement of people dating or used dating to find partners..

there are deeper reasons why we have services like this or we have this social understanding..

because you are a resource, you are more productive when your needs are met...

as a human you need to socialize, you need a human touch, you need a real connection

that is what you are craving to find

a holy grail "the illusion of cheese put in front of you which you are running to get in that endless turning wheel of dating"

"You might think that "the cheese" is not real...

we are fooling ourselves!"

No my friends, "the cheese" exist...

Although, obviously you cannot reach it this way...

You need to change your ways

You need to change your views

The artificial things we created as humans 

are getting back on us big time...

The greatest realization we should all have must be this.. 

We all need to rediscover our natural beings as humans!

We lost it greatly that we are not even aware of its lost 

we consider the pain and suffering we all have to carry by trying to put our soul into a mold that does not fit to it is the only way to live..

What a drama...

My reader, I hope you become aware of it...

question things? and find the ways of living that is more suited for your soul...


There is another thing,

which is the fear of opening your inner world to others....

Its our reptilian brain making boundaries and pushing us in shallow relationships instead of deep ones by initiation of fear....

This is again dictated by the vicious cycles we find ourselves in just like the one I mentioned above.

This kind of fear ends up in people as lack of self confidence,

self respect

self love,

self awareness

and to much self centering....

No balance...

Self needs to be given to a degree to be able to receive self from the others...  

A balance is required in certain things in life...

but some aspects of life decisions are required

for example being in the light side or the dark side, acting good or bad

there is no balance there 

there is only choice there

and it requires constant transformation and transmutation of your reality 

towards one side....

A decision 

there is no right or wrong but 

rule is simple

what you give is what you receive..

if you want to receive light and goodness

you cannot give dark and expect light in the end....

Anyways, I got carried away...

Here is a Friday morning poetry to you

Lack, lack, lack

give me a slack

it all ended in black

ate up the colors in my sack

leave me be or I will crack

Lack, lack, lack

made you chase your tail in the track

gave me an heart attack

your life is ruined by a hijack

You are loved as a nicknack

Lack, lack, lack

you need a great smack

with the light's payback

you will find your lesson in a racetrack

leave all and flashback..

                    King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Nina Zeynep Güler)


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