Hello My Dear Reader,

I will talk about some ancient writings,

especially the esoteric ones...

the ones related to keeping a secret teaching alive through the ages...

old information...

as it is transferred from the master to the pupil changes through the ages...

it will become something new a diluted version of the reality after centuries...

The writings that are ascribed to Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus is one of them...

you cannot simply learn the hermetic principle by only looking and reading couple of books..

its a journey...and if you do not have a guide it is easy to get lost...

Below I gave you the same feeling I had about this from an Alchemystical Philosopher whom lived centuries before me...

"If you are fortunate you will catch beneath this wide expanse of waters a fish which will satisfy the longing of your heart. And if you fail of success, yet your mind will be stored with the precious treasures of knowledge, and you will in any case be richly rewarded for your labour. The treasures of Hermes are not laid open in one book: perhaps one writer may render clear to you what another fails to explain."

(From the The Golden Tripod Second Tract, The Chemical Treatise of  Thomas Norton in Hermetic Museum Vol. II By Arthur Edward Waite)        

It is very true that you learn a different portion of the reality from each of different work whom are written by different authors who claim to transcribe the texts of Hermes, aka Thoth or the Atlantean...

Although, the most direct access to his information is through the source....

However, accessing the source require a taking of great risks...Accessing the source without a preparation can get you mad or caught upon the traps of dark entities..

Yes reader, 

there are other reality planes that are not visible and accessible to everyone...

if you learn how to attain to enter these planes you can get stuck in them so I will not share how...

these different planes of being that you can initially initiate are of planes which I believe are formed of other alternate realities which you completely do not exist...

Although, you can see the unchanged true fabric of the reality that is giving you a glimpse of how that reality is attached to your reality...

The source on the other hand is a much more complex to get into...the source is the great dump of information of all planes...every information produced in our reality and all the other infinite number of possible realities...I guess this is the information cloud of the universe...

Everything you plan to do or already did is already there.....

A great soup of everything...

Even masters won't enter the source...

Imagine you fell into infinite amount of knowledge all of a sudden...

while you were trying to look for a particular information....

just think this source that your brain is connected to the internet or your brain is the cloud server....

can you imagine the amount of energy it would suck from you...

as you may know our highest energy consuming organ is our brain...

there are people know on earth to make us connected to the internet...

please don't do that...

there are some other places we need to connect to...

we don't need the artificial version of it... :)

You might think what kind of "kuku" is King?

"kuku" meaning crazy...(for the ones thinking that it is a "vagina")

this is a concept I have been using in my ongoing book 72.

I am not sure if I have mentioned it to you...I gave a rest to it because it is not a poetry book..

Its kind of a poem/novel/short stories and blah blah....

the reason I stopped is the motivation not because the lack of creativity...

I am going to mention about the source more...

going to the source is like...

it is like taking a trip...

there are astral planes which are reachable by intention..

through one of the planes I was meeting Blue...

as I was experimenting...

in one plane I met with an old soul a great entity...

he showed me a glimpse of the source...

I found out who that entity was when I returned from that astral plane...

started to read his books...before meeting with him and having him as my guide..

everywhere I have been bombarded by Hermes...

yes it is real because I wrote it already...

it turned to real....

before I wrote it, it was already written in other forms to the awaken reader...

I mentioned you earlier in my blog entitled "test pilot" and also I have cited the same source concept in blog entitled "prometheus", please read them if you have not...

the source already contains what I am trying to write anyways...

the source is real not a fiction FYI...

you can only understand that it is real when you start to see without your eyes,

hear without your ears, feel without your hands, taste without your tongue and smell without your nose...

you need to initiate,

you need to crank up the "flame" in you to do those...

I am not speaking out of the cuff,

because I can disprove that you don't perceive the real reality 

using your eyes, ears, hands, nose and begin with!

I have already discussed this with you many times... you can check my book "WORDS, PHOTOGRAPHS & NOTES FROM AN UNREAL, REALITY"

 we will talk more on this ....

I am sleepy now..

(Illustration: Anonymous - from Camille Flammarion, L'Atmosphère: Météorologie Populaire, Paris, 1888)



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