
 Hello Reader,

Everyday, new readers join by...

some regular visitors

some pop up visitors...

welcome all...

you will find words and an image all the time...

sometimes my drawings, photographs and sometimes images from other talented artists

from our time or times of old...


what I wanted to tell you is that

for the new readers...

you will find whatever I want to write that particular day....

sometimes its about something I read that day

or a poem popped up in my mind that day

or a poem I kraken-ed (please check for the meaning on the link to it on here or on Kraken)

sometimes you get a short story

an impression of that day

or a poem I wrote earlier...

some chit chat about my daily life, blah blah blah...

so its all free throw in here

I always tell I will do this and that

but will not give you time frame when....

it means I don't get your expectations

there are e-mails I shared earlier..

you need to search the blog to find them...

mostly I look to the nudes you send me....

and don't read your comments, critiques, swears or opinions

because I don't want to effect my creation process with regard to author - reader interactions

I have explained the reasons why in the following posts (check here 1 2 3 4)

also I don't care about grammar and writing errors

as I told you with blog's title you have a punk here as a writer

its all about giving the finger to the authority and to rewrite the rules

so don't expect me to be gentle with the grammar and writing rules

I care none

so read the blog enjoy, get inspired and evolve if you can!

thanks for being here 

if you don't want to read more that's ok too...

so readers,

I have been writing for a long time but here in this blog 

its been lots of writing everyday

sometimes 2-3 times a day

this post will be the 188th post

probably we will also talk the 1000th post with you as well

we will see

if I survive until than 

after all I am carrying a life like you as well

I may want to write the 1000th blog post but it might not be the case 

if I die until than...

that's something I cannot foresee

but I can promise you that I will write as long as I am alive and have the means to write

today I clearly saw that there is an audience

and things are growing

not sure of the things people read here are desirable or not?

the good thing is that I don't care....

this was never something that I started to make it a success

I just wanted to have a medium to write and share

a medium which maybe could be a support for continue doing this thing

or a possibility to give this thing more time...

another thing was that

I wanted to see whether it would be possible to create content continuously

because sometimes 

things pop up so quickly and in rush

blinks in my mind I don't want to shush

like an insensitive one who you had a crush

a distaste all of a sudden like you fall in an ambush

thorns pinned your heart's eye ball in that lousy rosebush

                                                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Myriams-fotos Pixabay)


Dear Readers Thank you for your purchases of my selection of books!
They help to make this blog more possible!

Two more books are added to our list!
Please check these new books which are available for purchase:

The Myths and Legends of Celtic Race by T WRolleston


It was a rough and tiring day...
some house repairs 
I don't like plumbing repairs
but considering the plumber costs
I have to get it done...
the plumbing repairs
so frustrating!
my crack was all exposed :(



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